Somalia: “Human Rights” Imperialism Checked

Somali children dancing on one of the two Black Hawk helicopter shot down by militias. The U.S defeat in Mogadishu thwarted clinton’s regime change operation. “The American capitalists promise bread to Armenia. This is an old trick. They promise bread but they never give it. Did Hungary get bread after the fall of the SovietContinue reading “Somalia: “Human Rights” Imperialism Checked”

Syria: A Legacy of Imperialist Rape

The ancient city of Raqqa destroyed by U.S-led forces in 2017. Washington’s support for the rebels has always meant to install a puppet government in Syria. “America is subsidizing what is left of the prestige and strength of the once mighty Britain [along with France]. The sun has set forever on that monocled, pith-helmeted residentContinue reading “Syria: A Legacy of Imperialist Rape”

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