145th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Uprising

Bulgarian rebels shooting at Turkish cavalrymen during the 1876 rebellion that led to the liberation of the Balkans from the militarism of the Ottoman Empire. “We will be free in complete liberty where the Bulgarian lives: in Bulgaria, Thrace, Macedonia; people of whatever ethnicity live in this heaven of ours, they will be equal inContinue reading “145th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Uprising”

Chile: 45th Anniversary of the Original 9/11

Santiago, 9/11/1973. Chilean Army rounding up “Communists” after the CIA-engineered coup that overthrew the democratically-elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende, replacing it with a military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Original Facebook Note #46 published on 11 September 2018 “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist dueContinue reading “Chile: 45th Anniversary of the Original 9/11”

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