Afghanistan: Feminist War Goes Bust

Taliban militants dressed in Afghan Army commando uniforms symbolizing their victory over U.S/NATO imperialism by mocking one of America’s most iconic military photos from the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II. 20 years ago, George W. Bush declared, “The Taliban regime is coming to an end.” “The belief that white women knew what’sContinue reading “Afghanistan: Feminist War Goes Bust”

Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 Bombing

“In a war, where ever you are you have to destroy the enemy’s submarines and airplanes, anything you can. That’s how it is. In a war everything is valid.”–Orlando Bosch, justifying the terrorist attack on CU 455 and his role in it. (638 Ways to Kill Castro) 45 years ago, on the Wednesday afternoon ofContinue reading “Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 Bombing”

75th Anniversary of the Korean Workers’ Uprising

Workers in Seoul during the 1946 general strike led by the Communist Party of Korea. U.S military suppression and Stalinist treachery thwarted a potential Korean Revolution. “We set up concentration camps outside town and held strikers there when the jails got too full. It was war. We recognized it as war. And that is theContinue reading “75th Anniversary of the Korean Workers’ Uprising”

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