Sudan: A Legacy of Imperialist Crimes

Sudanese soldiers addressing a large crowd in Khartoum after the military ousted the ruling strongman Omar al-Bashir. “You have to realize that up until about 1959, Africa was dominated by the colonial powers. And by the colonial powers of Europe having complete control over Africa, they projected Africa always in a negative light – jungles,Continue reading “Sudan: A Legacy of Imperialist Crimes”

Chechnya: The Struggle Against Russian Domination

A column of Russian tanks heading towards Grozny during the first Chechen war. After the counter-revolutionary destruction of the USSR, Moscow’s ruling White Guard heirs waged a bloody reign of terror against the Chechen people and their endeavor for independence. “No one spoke of hatred for the Russians. The feeling experienced by all the Chechens,Continue reading “Chechnya: The Struggle Against Russian Domination”

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