Russian-Ukrainian War, Made in America/European Union

Russian tanks rolling into Ukraine on the first day of the invasion, 23 February 2022. U.S/NATO/EU provoked war in their endeavor to encircle and dominate Russia. “There are some upon this earth of yours who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness inContinue reading “Russian-Ukrainian War, Made in America/European Union”

PLA Smashed the Tibetan Counter-Revolutionary Uprising

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army marching in Lhasa past the Potala Palace in 1950 after the incorporation of Tibet into China. “The Tibetans, particularly the Khambas, Goloks, and other tribes of East Tibet are a fierce, brave and warlike people. Battle in defense of their religion and the Dalai Lama is looked upon as aContinue reading “PLA Smashed the Tibetan Counter-Revolutionary Uprising”

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