Western Theological Dogma and the Holocaust

A Nazi soldier shooting a Jewish mother and her child at point blank range in the USSR. Original Facebook Note #20 published on 8 April 2017 “The irony is that the Nazi Holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression. Every time you want to launch a war of aggression,Continue reading “Western Theological Dogma and the Holocaust”

Cuban Missile Crisis: A U.S Nuclear Provocation

U.S spy photo showing construction of Soviet missile site near San Christobal, Cuba on 23 October 1962. Soviet missiles were a deterrence from a U.S invasion of Cuba. “The USSR betrayed us during the missile crisis. The Cuban people were ready for anything at that time, and when finally, an agreement was reached between theContinue reading “Cuban Missile Crisis: A U.S Nuclear Provocation”

German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers

German workers and soldiers listen to Karl Liebknecht proclaim a “Free Socialist Republic of Germany” from the balcony of the Berlin Palace on 9 November 1918. Original Facebook Note #51 Published on 15 January 2019 “Without a German Revolution there can be no salvation for the Russian Revolution, no hope for socialism after this worldContinue reading “German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers”

Finnish Revolution Defeated

Finnish White Guard death squad execute labor activists for supporting the Red Guards at the Tammisaari prison camp in 1918. White Terror killed 23,000 working men,women, and children in Finland. Original Facebook Note #33 published on 27 January 2018 “We cannot avoid the revolution for very long … Faith in the value of peaceful activityContinue reading “Finnish Revolution Defeated”

Russian Revolution 1905: Prelude to Red October

Moscow Uprising, December 1905. Revolutionary barricades were erected by armed workers awaiting the attack by the Russian Army of Czar Nikolai II. Original Facebook Note #32 published on 9 January 2018 “If the Russian Revolution becomes the signal for a proletarian revolution in the West, so that both complement each other, the present common ownershipContinue reading “Russian Revolution 1905: Prelude to Red October”

155th Anniversary of the Japanese Revolution

Emperor Meiji promulgating the new Japanese constitution. Restoration of Imperial rule resulted in Japan’s revolutionary war against the feudal forces of the deposed shogunate bringing modernization and industry to the country. “Although there was a great difference in the scope and degree of industrialization, both America and Japan were able to rapidly and extensively developContinue reading “155th Anniversary of the Japanese Revolution”

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