35 Years Since the Rape of Grenada

U.S Marines in Grenada restoring wounded American pride. Original Facebook Note #48 published on 2 November 2018 “At 1117 hours our ambassador communicated that there is no further Cuban resistance. The fighters in the final redoubt did not surrender and gave their lives for the homeland.”–Radio Havana 4pm broadcast 26 October 1983. In 1983, theContinue reading “35 Years Since the Rape of Grenada”

80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Jewish resistance fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto remain defiant after being captured by Nazi SS savages prior to their execution. “What we have experienced cannot be described in words. We are aware of one thing only: what has happened has exceeded all our dreams. The Germans twice ran from the ghetto.”–Mordechai Anielewicz, leader of theContinue reading “80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising”

South Africa: 120th Anniversary of the Boer Rebellion

Boer commandos in a trench at the start of the second uprising against the British Empire. Original Facebook Note #70 published on 14 December 2019 “The Boer War was a just war on the part of the Boers and the world proletariat took their side. Why? Because the Boer people were fighting for their independence.Continue reading “South Africa: 120th Anniversary of the Boer Rebellion”

Cable Street 1936: British Workers’ Blow Against Fascism

Metropolitan Police baton charging anti-fascists on Cable Street in an attempt to clear a path for the British Union of Fascists to march through London’s East End. Original Facebook Note #11 published on 31 January 2017 “I could not help being charmed, like so many other people have been, by Mussolini’s gentle and simple bearing…Continue reading “Cable Street 1936: British Workers’ Blow Against Fascism”

70th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution

People’s Liberation Army entering Beijing and welcomed as liberators signaling the victory of the Chinese Revolution. Capitalism and colonial slavery were overturned. Original Facebook Note #67 published on 1 October 2019 “To wipe out the Japanese aggressors and build a new China, it is imperative to reform the land system and emancipate the peasants. Dr.Continue reading “70th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution”

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