Ireland: Centenary of the Great Belfast Strike

Irish Catholic and Protestant workers in Belfast blocking the lord mayor James Johnston’s car. Original Facebook Note #65 published on 9 September 2019 “The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour. They cannot be dissevered.”–James Connolly Divide and conquer today is most synonymous with theContinue reading “Ireland: Centenary of the Great Belfast Strike”

435th Anniversary of the English Victory Over the Spanish Armada

The English fireships sailing towards the Spanish positions in the Battle of Gravelines. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English Navy in the Channel prevented the invasion and restoration of Vatican rule over England. “Critical distance lessening your grip on reality the heretic perpetuates eternity in variance remember as you’re watching me burnContinue reading “435th Anniversary of the English Victory Over the Spanish Armada”

80th Anniversary of the Sobibor Revolt

Sobibor death camp where the largest successful prisoner escape took place led by Red Army soldiers and Polish labor militants – all Jews – against the Nazi savages in October 1943. “We had no dreams of liberation. We hoped merely to destroy the camp and to die from bullets rather than from gas. We wouldContinue reading “80th Anniversary of the Sobibor Revolt”

60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Fidel Castro and his Movement of 26 guerillas welcomed as liberators in Santiago on the first of the year in 1959. Cuban Revolution was a severe blow to U.S interests. Original Facebook Note #50 published on 1 January 2019 “I think that one of the great things the Cuban Revolution has done is preserve history.”–AssataContinue reading “60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution”

Russian Democracy Drenched in Blood

Black October 1993: Yeltsin’s tanks firing on the “White House”, the seat of the Russian parliament – until then a powerful institution – killing hundreds of people and nearly plunging Russia into a civil war. “The Supreme Soviet was obsolete, of course, but in a country with such a fragile civil society it is importantContinue reading “Russian Democracy Drenched in Blood”

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