South Africa: 120th Anniversary of the Boer Rebellion

Boer commandos in a trench at the start of the second uprising against the British Empire. Original Facebook Note #70 published on 14 December 2019 “The Boer War was a just war on the part of the Boers and the world proletariat took their side. Why? Because the Boer people were fighting for their independence.Continue reading “South Africa: 120th Anniversary of the Boer Rebellion”

Soweto 1976: The Black South African Students’ Uprising

Tens of thousands of black students in Soweto protested the prohibition of their native languages and forced Afrikaans education. Boer soldiers and police responded with gunfire killing hundreds. Original Facebook Note #40 published on 30 June 2018 “If we must do Afrikaans, Vorster must do Zulu!”–Soweto students protesting against education in mandatory Afrikaans. “I amContinue reading “Soweto 1976: The Black South African Students’ Uprising”

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