
Stalin’s First Betrayal: The Russian Revolution

Joseph Stalin at his summer dacha in 1935. A symbol of privilege enjoyed by the bureaucracy that took hold and overturned workers’ democracy. Original Facebook Note #28 published on 28 November 2017 “Will it be possible for this revolution to take place in one country alone? No. By creating the world market, big industry has…

English Armada: The Spanish Misadventure of Elizabeth I

Spanish fleet battling the English Armada off Lisbon. The English defeat prolonged the global conflict between London and Madrid into the next century. “If God wants to punish you, he’ll answer your prayers.”–Stromkern, Perfect Sunrise “The English Armada was larger than the Spanish, and from many points of view it was an even greater disaster.…

Birkenau: 80th Anniversary of the Romani Revolt

German Gypsies awaiting deportation to death camps from Asperg, May 1940 “The Gypsies, armed with handcuffs, knives, shovels and stones, waited to see what would happen. They did not leave the barracks. The SS members were appalled and left themselves.”–Tadeusz Joachimowski, Polish inmate of Birkenau 16 May is marked as Roma Resistance Day in celebration…

Bloody Betrayal of the Spanish Revolution

Anarchist CNT-led workers militia in Barcelona during the May Days in 1937. Popular Front leaderships of the POUM, Stalinists, Socialists and Anarchists handed the Spanish workers to Franco’s butchers. Original Facebook Note #30 published on 12 December 2017 “The leaders of the CNT and FAI themselves declared after the uprising of May 1937: ‘Had we…

Betrayal of the British General Strike 1926

In May 1926 nearly 4 million workers in Great Britain went on a 9-day general strike. The class collaborationist policy of Joseph Stalin and the TUC labor bureaucracy saved the Royal family, Stanley Baldwin, and Winston Churchill from facing the anger of the workers like the last Russian Czar in a second English Revolution. Original…

French Imperialism Supported the Rwandan Genocide

French soldiers standing guard at the Nyarushishi camp filled with Tutsi refugees in Gisenyi, Rwanda, 30 April 1994 “The greatest weapon that the colonial powers have used in the past against our people has always been divide-and-conquer.”–Malcolm X In November 2015, Paris was shaken by a series of terrorist attacks by Islamists that left over…

Vietnamese Revolution: 40th Anniversary of the Victory

30 April 1975, people of Saigon (now Hồ Chí Minh City) welcome the entry of the Vietnamese People’s Army and the Việt Cộng as the despised South Vietnamese regime crumbled. Original Facebook Note #9 published on 28 July 2015 “They mobilized as many as 6 million in rotation and dropped over 100 million tons of…

Afghan War: 30th Anniversary of the Badaber Uprising

Soviet troops in Kabul. Intervention brought hope and progress to Afghan peoples. Original Facebook Note #8 published on 16 May 2015 “The Soviet side holds full responsibility for what had happened with the Government of Pakistan and expects that it will make appropriate conclusions about the effects posed by its complicity in the aggression against…

Bay of Pigs: The Cuban Fist and Kennedy’s Bloody Nose

19 April 1961, Cuban armed revolutionaries escorting Kennedy’s surrendered counter-revolutionaries after the failed invasion on Cuba’s southern coast at the Bay of Pigs. Original Facebook Note #25 published on 13 July 2017 “Thank you for Playa Girón [Bay of Pigs]. Before the invasion, the revolution was weak. Now it is stronger than ever.”–Ernesto “Che” Guevara;…

Stalinist Betrayal of the Iraqi Revolution

14 July 1958, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis including elements of the military crowded into Baghdad and toppled the hated pro-British monarchy. Original Facebook Note #43 published on 24 July 2018 “A bill of indictment against the Iraqi Communist leaders was drawn up in Moscow and the Iraqi [Communist] Party was ordered not merely to…

German Fourth Reich’s Counter-Revolution in Yugoslavia

Yugoslav federal tanks rolling through Vukovar, Croatia during the bloody siege. Revitalized by capitalist reunification, German imperialism spearheaded the bloody destruction of the Yugoslav deformed workers state. Original Facebook Note #22 published on 15 May 2017 “We will plan an independent Croatia in the framework of the new European order if the Yugoslav state, due…

260th Anniversary of Pontiac’s Rebellion

Native American warriors beating back an assault by British redcoats in the Battle of Bloody Run in an attempt to relieve Fort Detroit, July 1763. Numerous Native American tribes of the Great Plains region responded to the call by Odawa chief Pontiac to rise up against British tyranny. “They came with a Bible and their…

Stalinist Betrayal of the French Workers

May 1968, French students and workers in Paris march during the general strike with a hanging dummy of Charles de Gaulle. Stalinists derailed socialist revolution when the capitalist system was at its knees. Original Facebook Note #38 published on 28 May 2018 “So we must know how to end a strike when satisfaction has been…

Stalinist Betrayal of the Italian Revolution

Milan 28 April 1945; armed Italian Partisans and Communist workers celebrating after their lynching of Benito Mussolini, his mistress, and Blackshirt officers. Stalinists then disar med the workers and ensured the revival of capitalism. Original Facebook Note #37 published on 27 April 2018 “We said to them, ‘let us collaborate’. But workers did more. They…

Afghanistan: Red Army was Vital to Women’s Emancipation

Soviet troops take control of Kabul Airport, December 1979. Original Facebook Note #19 published on 29 March 2017 (initially titled “Afghanistan: From Women’s Emancipation to Enslavement”, I later decided to modify it arguing in defense of the Russian intervention with respect to women’s rights) “The women of Afghanistan did not lose their rights under the…

Angola: The Deathblow to Apartheid

March 1988, South African troops withdrawing from southern Angola after their defeat at Cuito Cuanavale by the Cuban intervention. This led to the liberation of South West Africa (today Namibia) and the death of Apartheid. Original Facebook Note #35 published on 4 April 2018 “The defeat of the Apartheid army [in Angola] served as an…

Ethiopia: Moscow’s/Havana’s Bloody Derg

Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam, Ethiopia’s Idi Amin proclaiming himself head of the country in 1977. Original Facebook Note #34 published on 25 February 2018 “The nationalities question is one of the complex problems which the enemies of the new Ethiopia are seeking to use for their own ends. We regard with understanding the intention of…

Vietnam 1979: Defeat of the Chinese Invasion

Vietnamese soldiers posing atop a disabled Chinese tank. China invaded Vietnam on behalf of U.S imperialism and their deposed Cambodian toady Pol Pot. Original Facebook Note #54 published on 25 February 2019 “We will teach Vietnam a bloody lesson because they have placed Laos under their control, invaded Cambodia, signed a peace treaty with the…

Belfast Relief Strike 1932: Irish Workers Fought As One

Not Green versus Orange, but Red: class versus class. Catholic and Protestant workers in Belfast, Northern Ireland erecting a barricade and prepare for battle with the police and the British Army during the relief strike. Original Facebook Note #26 published on 3 October 2017 “For many years the workers of Belfast have been divided by…

Ireland: Centenary of the Great Belfast Strike

Irish Catholic and Protestant workers in Belfast blocking the lord mayor James Johnston’s car. Original Facebook Note #65 published on 9 September 2019 “The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour. They cannot be dissevered.”–James Connolly Divide and conquer today is most synonymous with the…

435th Anniversary of the English Victory Over the Spanish Armada

The English fireships sailing towards the Spanish positions in the Battle of Gravelines. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English Navy in the Channel prevented the invasion and restoration of Vatican rule over England. “Critical distance lessening your grip on reality the heretic perpetuates eternity in variance remember as you’re watching me burn…

80th Anniversary of the Sobibor Revolt

Sobibor death camp where the largest successful prisoner escape took place led by Red Army soldiers and Polish labor militants – all Jews – against the Nazi savages in October 1943. “We had no dreams of liberation. We hoped merely to destroy the camp and to die from bullets rather than from gas. We would…

60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Fidel Castro and his Movement of 26 guerillas welcomed as liberators in Santiago on the first of the year in 1959. Cuban Revolution was a severe blow to U.S interests. Original Facebook Note #50 published on 1 January 2019 “I think that one of the great things the Cuban Revolution has done is preserve history.”–Assata…

Russian Democracy Drenched in Blood

Black October 1993: Yeltsin’s tanks firing on the “White House”, the seat of the Russian parliament – until then a powerful institution – killing hundreds of people and nearly plunging Russia into a civil war. “The Supreme Soviet was obsolete, of course, but in a country with such a fragile civil society it is important…

Counter-Revolutionary Destruction of the Soviet Union

Moscow early 1992, George H.W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin congratulate each other with a toast to the collapse of the USSR. Original Facebook Note #16 published 25 December 2016 “The USSR thus embodies terrific contradictions. But it still remains a degenerated workers state. Such is the social diagnosis. The political prognosis has an alternative character:…

Cambodia: 40th Anniversary of Liberation

Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia ousted the genocidal Pol Pot, liberating the people from the Khmer Rouge terror in their second blow against U.S imperialism. Original Facebook Note #53 published on 19 February 2019 “I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. I encouraged the Thai to help the DK [Democratic Kampuchea, Pol Pot’s government-in-exile]. The…

Romanian Revolution 25 Years Later

Bucharest, Romania December 1989; a triumphant protester standing on the balcony where the Stalinist Dracula Nicolae Ceaușescu made his final speech before being toppled by mass upheaval. Original Facebook Note #6 published on 18 January 2015 “Mr. Ceaușescu has shown himself to be one of Europe’s good Communists.” –George H.W. Bush, U.S vice president, 1983.…

30 Years Since the Rape of Panama

U.S tanks rolling down a street in Panama City after the invasion. Original Facebook Note #73 published on 11 February 2020 “Then President Bush said we had to go restore democracy in Panama. How in the world do you restore that which has never existed? Panama has never been a democracy since we created Panama…

Iran 1953: The Birthplace of Imperialist Regime Change

Iranian Royal Army troops and tanks in the streets of Tehran after the deposition of the elected left-populist prime minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq by the first CIA-engineered coup. “There being no rival in sight who is likely to overthrow Mossadeq by parliamentary means, it follows that Persia’s main hope of not passing under Communist domination…

Spain: 85th Anniversary of the Asturian Miners’ Insurrection

Armed miners in Asturias during the general strike awaiting Spanish Army’s assault. Original Facebook Note #71 published on 20 December 2019 “Two irreconcilable programs thus confronted each other on the territory of republican Spain. On the one hand, the program of saving at any cost private property from the proletariat, and saving as far as…

USA: History & Hypocrisy of “Human Rights” Imperialism

A mother and child in a Baghdad children’s hospital at the height of the U.S/UN sanctions of the 1990’s. Two million Iraqis died from Bill Clinton’s “human rights” sanctions, one quarter of them children from malnutrition and curable illnesses from the prevention of food and medicine entering Iraq. Original Facebook Note #49 published on 1…

Zoot Suit Rebellion 1943: The Myth of “Anti-Fascist” America

Arrested Latino “Zoot suiter” youths in LAPD custody outside the Los Angeles County Jail being transported to court to face trumped up charges of “rioting.” War time racist frenzy was whipped up by liberal darling Franklin D. Roosevelt. “These youths refused to accept the racialized norms of segregated America. With their flashy ensembles, distinct slang,…

Bulgaria: The Overlooked Counter-Revolution

Bulgarians in Sofia stage protest against Stalinist leader Todor Zhivkov in November 1989. Stalinist bureaucracy then ousted Zhivkov and opened the door to counter-revolution. Original Facebook Note #72 published on 25 January 2020 “Free and democratic elections to be held next year. The Party is ready to renounce itself.”–Petar Mladenov, liberal Stalinist leader signaling counter-revolution…

Russian Revoluton Centenary: When the Workers Seized Power

Russian workers, peasants, and soldiers of the Petrograd Soviet listen to Vladimir Lenin address them with call for “All Power to the Soviets!” upon his return from exile, 16 April 1917. Original Facebook Note #27 published on 7 November 2017 “Comrades! The workers’ and peasants’ revolution, about the necessity of which the Bolsheviks have always…

35 Years Since the Rape of Grenada

U.S Marines in Grenada restoring wounded American pride. Original Facebook Note #48 published on 2 November 2018 “At 1117 hours our ambassador communicated that there is no further Cuban resistance. The fighters in the final redoubt did not surrender and gave their lives for the homeland.”–Radio Havana 4pm broadcast 26 October 1983. In 1983, the…

80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Jewish resistance fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto remain defiant after being captured by Nazi SS savages prior to their execution. “What we have experienced cannot be described in words. We are aware of one thing only: what has happened has exceeded all our dreams. The Germans twice ran from the ghetto.”–Mordechai Anielewicz, leader of the…

South Africa: 120th Anniversary of the Boer Rebellion

Boer commandos in a trench at the start of the second uprising against the British Empire. Original Facebook Note #70 published on 14 December 2019 “The Boer War was a just war on the part of the Boers and the world proletariat took their side. Why? Because the Boer people were fighting for their independence.…

Cable Street 1936: British Workers’ Blow Against Fascism

Metropolitan Police baton charging anti-fascists on Cable Street in an attempt to clear a path for the British Union of Fascists to march through London’s East End. Original Facebook Note #11 published on 31 January 2017 “I could not help being charmed, like so many other people have been, by Mussolini’s gentle and simple bearing……

70th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution

People’s Liberation Army entering Beijing and welcomed as liberators signaling the victory of the Chinese Revolution. Capitalism and colonial slavery were overturned. Original Facebook Note #67 published on 1 October 2019 “To wipe out the Japanese aggressors and build a new China, it is imperative to reform the land system and emancipate the peasants. Dr.…

Indonesia: 55 Years Since the White Terror

Indonesian soldiers arrest suspected Communists during White Terror that killed over 1 million Communists, ethnic-Chinese, workers, and peasants after CIA coup overthrew the democratically elected “Communist” Ahmed Sukarno. Original Facebook Note #87 originally published on 2 October 2020 “We did what we had to do and you’d better be glad we did because if we…

Argentina 1976: The Gentleman’s Coup

Argentine tanks and troops patrolling Buenas Aires Plaza de Mayo after CIA-backed coup. Original Facebook Note #78 published on 24 March 2020 “In the industrial backwards countries foreign capital plays a decisive role. Hence the relative weakness of the national bourgeoisie in relation to the national proletariat. This creates special conditions of state power. The…

95th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Insurrection

Anti-fascist rebels in Stara Zagora during Bulgaria’s September Uprising 1923. Original Facebook Note #47 published on 16 March 2018 “The Bulgarian people’s history of thirteen centuries is rich in revolutionary movements, rebellions, uprisings. There is scarcely a nook in Bulgaria which is not linked with recent and bygone battles for the freedom and happiness of…

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 Shootdown

Original Facebook Note #3 published on 22 October 2013 “Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None. But it didn’t seem to make sense before the Russian Revolution, when Russia was a Christian country. Now it does, now that Russia…

Warsaw Uprising 1944: The Lie of the “Soviet Betrayal”

Warsaw reduced to ruins after the Nazis crushed a revolt by the Polish Home Army, killing 300,000 Poles, 1944. Soviets not intervening against Nazis created a string of anti-Communist lies. “The Germans have ceased to be the number one enemy…. The struggle against communism is today our essential task and perhaps even our only task.”–Polish…

Prague Spring 1968: Czechoslovak Workers Resisted the Invasion

Czechs in Prague barricading Russian tanks during Soviet/Warsaw Pact invasion. Original Facebook Note #45 published on 26 August 2018 “Lenin Wake Up! Brezhnev Has Gone Mad!”–Slogan of Czechoslovak students and workers against the invasion. “The Czechs and Slovaks always considered us their brothers. Will we let the word ‘Soviet’ become synonymous in their eyes with…

USSR: The Baltic Counter-Revolution

Latvian nationalists demonstrating in Riga 1989 under inter-war flag. Original Facebook Note #64 published on 2 September 2019 “If the striving to divide what cannot be divided continues as a characteristic of the period before the previous two world wars, if lands and frontiers are being recurved while the lives and safety of people are…

30th Anniversary of the Soviet Miners’ Strike

Prokopyevsk, Siberia; Russian miners striking for soap, meat, safety measures, pay raises, and socialism; and against misery unleashed by Mikhail Gorbachov’s Perestroika. The strikes spread to mines all over the USSR presenting a potential political revolution. Original Facebook Note #63 published on 7 August 2019 “Availing itself of the death of Lenin, the ruling group…

El Salvador: 40th Anniversary of the “Human Rights” Coup

FMLN guerillas going to engage the murderous government forces. Original Facebook Note #71 published on 19 January 2020 “I hope that your religious sentiments and your feelings for the defense of human rights will move you to accept my petition, avoiding by this action worse bloodshed in this suffering country.”–Archbishop Oscar Romero, from his unanswered…

Betrayal of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1979

Sandinista (FSLN) rebels celebrating the taking of the National Palace in Managua after the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship. Original Facebook Note #62 published on 1 August 2019 “Avoid the early mistakes we made in Cuba: the political rejection by the West, premature frontal attacks on the bourgeoisie, economic isolation.”–Fidel Castro, July 1979 advising the…

Guatemala 1954: The Rotten Fruits of Democracy

CIA’s rebel mercenary thugs point their guns at a dummy of Guatemala’s left-wing “Communist” president Jacobo Árbenz. Original Facebook Note #66 published on 19 October 2019 “What we wanted to do was have a terror campaign, to terrify Árbenz particularly, terrify his troops, much as the German Stuka bombers terrified the populations of Belgium, Holland…

Venezuela: 30th Anniversary of El Caracazo

“Make Venezuela Great Again!”, howl the Republicans and Democrats today. The U.S-backed Venezuelan government massacred over 3,000 people in Caracas protesting against IMF-dictated austerity programs February-March 1989. Original Facebook Note #61 published on 18 July 2019 “27 February is the day that the rottenness overflowed. First as a carnival, then as a tragedy.”–Boris Muñoz, Caracas…

Vorkuta: 65th Anniversary of the Soviet Prisoners’ Strike

Watch tower and detention cell of the Vorkuta gulag, one of the largest and most notorious in the USSR. Original Facebook Note #44 published on 1 August 2018 “Today marks the second anniversary of the most unprecedented strike in the world-the revolt in Russian slave labor camps in Vorkuta. The outstanding part of the strike…

In the City of Slaughter: An Old Poem, Once Upon A December

Once Upon a Pogrom. Yekaterinoslav, Russia (today Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine) the slain bodies of Jewish children murdered by the Black Hundreds on orders of Czar Nikolai II. Many Black Hundreds received medals by their Czar for a job well done in the bloody pogroms. Original Facebook Note #42 published on 17 July 2018 “When the accursed…

231st Anniversary of the French Revolution

Storming of the Bastille 14 July 1789, the working people of Paris killed soldiers, freed the prisoners, and armed themselves igniting the French Revolution. Original Facebook Note #86 published on 14 July 2020 “The revolution is the war of liberty against its enemies. The constitution is the rule of liberty against its enemies. The constitution…

The Bosnian Genocide That Never Was

Ratko Mladić in Srebrenica after Serbian troops took over the “safe area” with no opposition from NATO or the Dutch UN “peacekeepers.” Alija Izetbegović in league with Bill Clinton and Wim Kok fabricated a genocide to justify NATO intervention. Original Facebook Note #85 published on 10 July 2020 “After meeting with American president Clinton, Alija…

Iran Air Flight 655 Shootdown

“I will never apologize for the United States. I don’t care what the facts are. I am not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.”–George H.W. Bush, U.S vice president, 2 August 1988, refusing to acknowledge the murder in the Persian Gulf. Original Facebook Note #41 published on 8 July 2018 30 years ago, on 3 July…

60th Anniversary of the Polish Workers’ Uprising

Polish workers in Poznań climb aboard a tank. Local army units refused to fire on the workers and joined them. Original Facebook Note #13 publish on 6 November 2016 “People will remove the Party from the factory, and the workers will manage by themselves and receive the profits directly.”–ZISPO factory worker, Poznań 1956 60 years…

Centenary of the Turkish Revolution

Oil painting depicting the Turkish Army’s liberation of the port city of Smynra (today İzmir) from the British-backed Greek Army. Original Facebook Note #60 published on 21 June 2019 “Whatever may be the result of the Near Eastern crisis, one thing is quite patent: the Sèvres Treaty has been smashed by Turkish cannon. The popular…

60th Anniversary of the East German Workers’ Uprising

German workers in East Berlin confronting Soviet tanks, 17 June 1953. The uprising could have brought about a reunified red workers’ Germany, and political revolution in the East bloc. Original Facebook Note #2 published on 17 June 2013 “We must not wait for the Bonn government to take the initiative for the real unification of…

China: Hong Kong Counter-Revolutionary Protests

Hong Kong nativist hooligans calling on U.S imperialist chief Donald Trump to intervene against China. Original Facebook Note #77 published on 10 April 2020 “It is better to keep Hong Kong the way it is. Its present status is still useful to us.”–Mao Tse-Tung, 1959 香港就是中國/HONG KONG IS CHINA In the course of the last…

Tiananmen Square 1989: The Chinese Students’/Workers’ Uprising

Students and workers of Beijing took over Tiananmen Square in the spring of 1989. Under red flags bearing revolutionary slogans, the pro-socialist strikes and protests were an embryonic revolution against the Stalinist bureaucracy. Original Facebook Note #4 published on 22 June 2014 “Due to the exigent circumstances, we as old soldiers, make the following request:…

Afghanistan: 30th Anniversary of Jalalabad

Afghan militiawomen in Kabul 1986 commemorating the 1978 coup. They played a decisive role in defeating the CIA’s Mujahideen in Jalalabad 1989. Original Facebook Note #55 published 9 March 2019 Note: Throughout the Soviet occupation, the Afghan government was depicted in the Western media and by the imperialists as a fledgling regime that was held…

Vietnam: 60th Anniversary of Điện Biên Phủ

7 May 2014 Điện Biên Phủ, Vietnam. Soldiers of Vietnamese People’s Army dress as Việt Minh and parade in honor of the heroic battle that freed the country from colonial rule as veterans and millions of Vietnamese celebrate. Original Facebook Note #5 published on 1 October 2014 “A people who have courageously opposed French domination…

220th Anniversary of the Irish Revolution

Irish Catholic and Protestant rebels charging the British redcoats at Oulart Hill, 27 May 1798. “Never to desist in our efforts until we subvert the authority of England over our country and asserted our independence.”–Theobald Wolfe Tone, father of Irish republicanism, 1798 Original Facebook Note #39 published on 26 June 2018 Ireland since the 12th…

Canada: 101st Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike

Workers tipping over a tram car in Winnipeg during the general strike against post-war austerity to pay off war debts. Original Facebook Note #84 published on 15 June 2020 “Girls have got to learn to fight as men have had to do for the right to live, and we women of the labour league are…

The Lie of German Collective Guilt for Nazi Crimes

Sudeten Germans being expelled from Czechoslovakia by the pro-Allied regime of Edvard Beneš. Their only crime was being German. The collective guilt against the German people was pushed by the imperialists, social-democrats, liberals, and Stalinists. Original Facebook Note #81 published on 20 May 2020 “The declaration that there is a ‘collective guilt’ in the German…

Red Army Saved the World from Fascism

Soviet soldiers trample over Nazi flag during the march to Berlin. Original Facebook note #80 published on 9 May 2020 “We make a fundamental distinction between the Soviet Union and its ‘democratic’ allies. We defend the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is a workers’ state, although degenerated under the totalitarian-political rule of the Kremlin bureaucracy.…

Bay of Piglets: Trump’s Venezuelan Misadventure

Venezuelan soldiers pose with captured American-led mercenaries from the failed Rambo-style raid on the country’s coast at Macuto Bay that was meant to oust Nicolás Maduro in the latest attempt by the U.S government. Original Facebook Note #83 published on 1 June 2020 “A group of terrorist mercenaries attempted a maritime invasion, entering Venezuela with…

85th Anniversary of the American Workers’ Strikes

Bloody Thursday. Police attacking longshoremen strike with tear gas and batons in the Embarcadero of San Francisco, July 1934. Two workers were killed. Original Facebook Note #75 published on 1 March 2020. Republished for May Day. “THE wide shift of the American working class to the Left, prepared by the ravages of the five year…

Dominican Republic: 55 Years Since the U.S Invasion

U.S Marines harass Dominican man in Santo Domingo after the invasion against the restoration of the democratically elected “Communist” president Juan Bosch. Original Facebook Note #79 published on 28 April 2020 “The American nation cannot, must not, and will not permit the establishment of another Communist government in the Western hemisphere.”–Lyndon B. Johnson, 1 May…

Portugal: 45 Years Since the Carnation Coup

Portuguese Army in Lisbon leading the upheaval that toppled the fascist regime. Original Facebook Note #58 published on 25 April 2019 “Esta é a madrugada que eu esperava (This is the dawn I waited for)O dia inicial inteiro e limpo (The new day clean and whole)Onde emergimos da noite e do silêncio (When we emerge…

Mongolia: 85th Anniversary of the Counter-Revolutionary Uprising

Damdin Sükhbaatar, the Father of the Mongolian Revolution pictured in the center among other leaders of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party in 1921. Original Facebook Note #21 published on 13 April 2017 “Although Mongolia is a cattle-breeding country and the bulk of her population are nomad herdsmen, she has achieved great progress in her revolution,…

Ireland: Centenary of the Easter Rising

Irish Citizen Army rebels on Dublin rooftops prepare for British attack. Original Facebook Note #11 published on 22 October 2016. Republished and re-edited for Easter. “If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in…

North Korea: Jeju Uprising and the Prelude to War

Jeju citizens awaiting execution by U.S-backed Korean fascist death squads during the uprising and massacre in 1948. Original Facebook Note #36 published on 17 April 2018 “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting. There are no innocent civilians, so it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing innocent bystanders.”–Gen. Curtis LeMay, reflecting…

Brazil: 55th Anniversary of the Real Black April

Brazilian Army tanks near Central Station in Rio de Janeiro on 1 April after the CIA engineered coup’s success in overthrowing the democratically elected leftist government of João Goulart. Original Facebook Note #57 published on 17 April 2019 “If our influence is to be brought to bear to help avert a major disaster here–which might…

Stalinist Betrayal of the Iranian Revolution

International Women’s Day in Tehran 1979, at least 100,000 women and male supporters took the streets protesting against Khomeini’s measure to re-enslave women to the black chador; for equal rights and pay. Original Facebook Note #56 published on 27 March 2019 “In Islamic society, women are not considered human beings. I remember when I was…

20 Years Since the NATO Rape of Yugoslavia

U.S/NATO “humanitarian bombing” of a passenger train in Grdelica, Serbia killing 60 civilians. Original Facebook Note #59 published on 24 March 2019 (written for the 20th anniversary of the bombing) “While showing themselves ready and willing to bomb Yugoslavia on behalf of an ostensibly oppressed minority in Kosovo, U.S. leaders have made no moves against…

Tibetans and Native Americans, No Comparison

Tibetan exiles and San Francisco hipsters celebrate the CIA backed uprising in Tibet, 10 March 2015. Commemorations have been held annually all over the West since 1996. Original Facebook Note #7 published on 10 March 2015 “It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA. We…

Soweto 1976: The Black South African Students’ Uprising

Tens of thousands of black students in Soweto protested the prohibition of their native languages and forced Afrikaans education. Boer soldiers and police responded with gunfire killing hundreds. Original Facebook Note #40 published on 30 June 2018 “If we must do Afrikaans, Vorster must do Zulu!”–Soweto students protesting against education in mandatory Afrikaans. “I am…

Stalinism and the German Tragedy

Adolf Hitler making victory speech in Berlin 1933. Four years earlier the Nazis came to power in Germany without a fight from the liberals, social-democrats, and Stalinists. Original Facebook Note #52 published on 13 February 1919. “Fascism is the military organization of the bourgeoisie which leans upon the Social-Democracy for active support. The Social-Democracy, objectively…

Second American Revolution Betrayed

Painting of Col. Robert Gould Shaw and the black soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. Original Facebook Note #74 published on 12 February 2020. Reposted in honor of Lincoln’s Day. “The Civil War was not merely a strife for territory and dominion, but a contest of civilization against barbarism.”–Frederick Douglass, 1865 “Labor in a…

Ukraine’s Euromaidan: Bandera Goes to Hollywood

Euromaidan New Year’s Day 2014, neo-Nazis from the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” party marching in Kiev display portrait of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. Fascists were the spearhead of the U.S/EU-backed Euromaidan coup. Original Facebook Note #82 published on 14 March 2020. (Note: Before the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine the fight for self-determination for Donetsk and…

Western Theological Dogma and the Holocaust

A Nazi soldier shooting a Jewish mother and her child at point blank range in the USSR. Original Facebook Note #20 published on 8 April 2017 “The irony is that the Nazi Holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression. Every time you want to launch a war of aggression,…

Cuban Missile Crisis: A U.S Nuclear Provocation

U.S spy photo showing construction of Soviet missile site near San Christobal, Cuba on 23 October 1962. Soviet missiles were a deterrence from a U.S invasion of Cuba. “The USSR betrayed us during the missile crisis. The Cuban people were ready for anything at that time, and when finally, an agreement was reached between the…

German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers

German workers and soldiers listen to Karl Liebknecht proclaim a “Free Socialist Republic of Germany” from the balcony of the Berlin Palace on 9 November 1918. Original Facebook Note #51 Published on 15 January 2019 “Without a German Revolution there can be no salvation for the Russian Revolution, no hope for socialism after this world…

Finnish Revolution Defeated

Finnish White Guard death squad execute labor activists for supporting the Red Guards at the Tammisaari prison camp in 1918. White Terror killed 23,000 working men,women, and children in Finland. Original Facebook Note #33 published on 27 January 2018 “We cannot avoid the revolution for very long … Faith in the value of peaceful activity…

Russian Revolution 1905: Prelude to Red October

Moscow Uprising, December 1905. Revolutionary barricades were erected by armed workers awaiting the attack by the Russian Army of Czar Nikolai II. Original Facebook Note #32 published on 9 January 2018 “If the Russian Revolution becomes the signal for a proletarian revolution in the West, so that both complement each other, the present common ownership…

155th Anniversary of the Japanese Revolution

Emperor Meiji promulgating the new Japanese constitution. Restoration of Imperial rule resulted in Japan’s revolutionary war against the feudal forces of the deposed shogunate bringing modernization and industry to the country. “Although there was a great difference in the scope and degree of industrialization, both America and Japan were able to rapidly and extensively develop…

Mao’s Betrayal of the Macau Uprising

Macau police spraying anti-colonial protesters with water cannon, 3 December 1966. Chinese students and workers rose up against years of colonial slavery by the Portuguese fascist authorities who responded with a brutal crackdown killing dozens and wounding hundreds. “I am afraid that it will be more beneficial for us to develop overseas relations and import…

Albania: The Final European Counter-Revolution

December 1990, Albanian students in Tirana topple statue of Stalinist ruler Enver Hoxha. Two years later his heirs carried out counter-revolution. Original Facebook Note #31 published on 2 January 2018 “The only religion of Albania is Albanianism.”–Enver Hoxha As the counter-revolutionary tidal wave swept through the East bloc in 1989, Albania, the rogue of the…

Polish Solidarność: Front for CIA, Vatican, and Bankers

Lech Wałęsa (front row, left side) observing workers in confession to priests. Decades of Stalinist mismanagement, corruption, and oppression drove 80% of Poland’s historically pro-socialist proletariat into the arms of the Catholic Church. Original Facebook Note #18 published 22 February 2017 “We don’t strike for the Black Madonna of Czestochowa!” –Italian workers refusing to join…

Qatar: FIFA, Racism, and Western Double Standard

The unveiling of the official World Cup 2022 emblem in Doha’s Souq Waqif on the Msheireb, the building of the Qatar National Archive Museum, 2 September 2019. “Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”–Wes Fesler, American sportsman and coach Netflix released a well-done four-part documentary series FIFA Uncovered that exposes…

Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists

The banner reads “They Shall Not Pass! Fascism wants to conquer Madrid! Madrid will be the tomb of Fascism!” November 1936, Madrid workers erecting a barricade to keep Franco’s fascist army out of the city. Original Facebook Note #17 published 4 February 2017 “At the present time, while this is being written, the civil war…

Elizabeth II Bites the Dust, Bourgeois World Wails

Republican protester in Edinburgh, Scotland being arrested by royalist police for publicly displaying a placard against British imperialism and calling to abolish the monarchy. “Essentially the monarchist system allows people to believe that there are people who are better than you for no good reason. That’s why it’s absurd.”–Robert Smith, front man for The Cure…

Bloody Betrayal of the Greek Revolution

Athens Uprising 3 December 1944. British Army and Greek fascist auxiliaries shot dead 28 pro-Communist/EAM demonstrators, and injured scores of others. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) following Joseph Stalin’s class collaborationist line sealed the death of the Greek Revolution. Original Facebook Note #29 published 3 December 2017 “If EAM/ELAS had been determined to seize…

Laos: 40th National Day

Laotians in Vientiane celebrating the 40th anniversary of their liberation from the imperialist-backed monarchy. Original Facebook Note #12 published on 2 December 2015 “I want to make it clear to the American people, to the entire world that all we want in Laos is peace not war. A truly neutral government, not a Cold War…

Imperialists Mourn Gorbachov

George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachov shaking hands at the Malta Summit in December 1989 that brought the Cold War to an end under capitulatory terms for Moscow that was a ratification for counter-revolution. This effectively completed the digging of the grave for the Soviet degenerated workers state that Boris Yeltsin killed and buried. “At…

70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution

Yugoslav Partisans marching through the liberated city of Bitola, Macedonia in 1944. Partisan victories over fascism in Yugoslavia led to social revolution that swept away capitalist rule. Original Facebook Note #14 published 29 November 2015 “Grouping and mutuality of countries and peoples in the Balkans is the only road that leads to economic, national and…

Cuba Legalizes Gay Marriage

Cuban gays celebrate their victory by referendum granting them the right to marry their partners in a landslide victory. The gains of the Cuban Revolution have finally been extended to the LGBT community. “This change is very important because it the political will of the state and the government to advance a human rights agenda…

70th Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution

Large crowd demonstrating in front of the Ministry Council Headquarters in support of the overthrow of the pro-British monarchy in July 1952. “In view of what the country has suffered in the recent past, the complete vacuity prevailing in all corners as a result of your bad behavior, your toying with the constitution, and your…

India: 165th Anniversary of the Great Rebellion

Indian mutineers overrunning British position in Jhansi. Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim sepoys in the British army led a mutiny that became a nationwide uprising against British tyranny and breaking sectarian barriers. “The Indians will not reap the fruits of the new elements of society scattered among them by the British bourgeoisie, till in Great Britain…

Brazilian Independence, No Revolution

Portuguese prince Pedro Braganza IV atop his horse declaring Brazil’s independence to a large jubilant crowd in Rio de Janeiro and proclaimed himself Emperor of Brazil as Pedro I, 7 September 1822. “It is also time to gradually end even the last vestiges of slavery among us, so that we may form in a few…

192nd Anniversary of the Belgian Revolution

Revolutionaries in Brussels rose up against the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 25 August 1830. Revolution liberated the Catholic peoples from the bloody Protestant-centered Dutch monarchy. “Holland in its rule over Belgium was accused by the Belgians of a systematic campaign against every expression and manifestation of Belgian national life. It was alleged that it penalized…

French Revolutions: Workers’ Struggle Against Monarchism

Three Glorious Days. Revolutionaries battling royalist troops at the Louvre Palace, July 1830. Second French Revolution triggered another revolutionary wave through Europe. “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold.”–Prince Klemens von Metternich, Chancellor of Austria, 1830 From the late 18th century to about the start of the Crimean War in 1853, France…

“SOS Cuba”: Social Media Cry for Counter-Revolution

Cuban exiles leading anti-Communist demonstrators near the Versailles restaurant in Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood, a gusano (worm) stronghold. “Cuba must not be abandoned to the Communists! And we do not intend to abandon it, either.”–John F. Kennedy, after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Last July the Cuban deformed workers state was hit…

USSR: 60th Anniversary of the Novocherkassk Uprising

Locomotive factory workers in Novocherkassk staged a strike against hated production quotas and increasing food prices. Workers carried portraits of Lenin and Soviet flags. “There was no need to campaign for the strike among the workers of the plant. It was enough for the group which called for a strike to appear, and work stopped…

In Honor of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners

Communist-led gay and lesbian activists undercut Margaret Thatcher’s effort to starve NUM miners into submission by seizing donations from their accounts, enabling the miners’ general strike to go on for as long as it did. “Concerning homosexuality, sodomy, and various other forms of sexual gratification, which are set down in European legislation as offenses against…

Afghanistan: A Four Time British Graveyard

The last moments of a mighty British fighting force and their families before they were completely wiped out by Afghan tribesmen on mountainous road near Gandamak between Kabul and Jalalabad. The British went to Afghanistan to establish a permanent colony, and the Afghans made sure they succeeded. “Why did Great Britain try, not once but…

Poland: Crocodile Tears over the Katyn Massacre

German troops at the exhumed mass graves of Polish military officers slain by the NKVD in the Katyn Forest outside Smolensk in Russia, 1943. Nazis attempted to capitalize on the massacre. “We have no right to complain about this Soviet action, because on the German side Poles and Jews were wiped out on a much…

Russian-Ukrainian War, Made in America/European Union

Russian tanks rolling into Ukraine on the first day of the invasion, 23 February 2022. U.S/NATO/EU provoked war in their endeavor to encircle and dominate Russia. “There are some upon this earth of yours who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in…

PLA Smashed the Tibetan Counter-Revolutionary Uprising

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army marching in Lhasa past the Potala Palace in 1950 after the incorporation of Tibet into China. “The Tibetans, particularly the Khambas, Goloks, and other tribes of East Tibet are a fierce, brave and warlike people. Battle in defense of their religion and the Dalai Lama is looked upon as a…

Burma: A Nobel Peace Farce

Rohingya refugees in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia demonstrating at the Burmese embassy against the government’s genocidal massacres of the Rohingya people. The massacres were fully endorsed by the iconic Nobel Peace Prize winning Burmese president Aung San Suu Kyi. “In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself…

Stalinist Betrayal of the Indian Revolution

Indian workers clashing with British police in Bombay (Petrograd of India) during the Royal Indian Navy mutiny of 1946 that was an embryonic revolution. Stalinist treachery in league with Hindu capitalists and Muslim landowners thwarted the revolutionary potential to break free of the British jackboot. “India is the classic colonial country as England is the…

Pakistan: Women’s Struggle Against Islamization

International Women’s Day March 1980 in Lahore, women being attacked by Gen. Zia’s baton-wielding police while protesting against misogynistic Islamic reaction. “Only the fresh revolutionary storms were strong enough to sweep away hoary prejudices against woman and only the productive-working people is able to effect the complete equalization and liberation of woman by building a…

Sudan: A Legacy of Imperialist Crimes

Sudanese soldiers addressing a large crowd in Khartoum after the military ousted the ruling strongman Omar al-Bashir. “You have to realize that up until about 1959, Africa was dominated by the colonial powers. And by the colonial powers of Europe having complete control over Africa, they projected Africa always in a negative light – jungles,…

Chechnya: The Struggle Against Russian Domination

A column of Russian tanks heading towards Grozny during the first Chechen war. After the counter-revolutionary destruction of the USSR, Moscow’s ruling White Guard heirs waged a bloody reign of terror against the Chechen people and their endeavor for independence. “No one spoke of hatred for the Russians. The feeling experienced by all the Chechens,…

Croatia: The Glamorization of Fascism

Croatian-Australians marching in Sydney waving flags of the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia and portraits of Ustasha-lover Franjo Tudjman. “If the Croats were part of the Reich, we’d have them serving as faithful auxiliaries of the German Führer, to police our marshes. The Croats are a proud people…The Croats are very keen on not…

Polish Workers’ Struggle Against Stalinism

Workers take to the streets in Radom, Poland in late June 1976 that led to other citywide strikes throughout Poland called for by local strike committees thwarted the Stalinists’ price hikes to pay back imperialist bankers. “For wages of Communist Party [PZPR] leaders to be no more than those of an average worker!”–Striking shipyard workers…

Afghanistan: Feminist War Goes Bust

Taliban militants dressed in Afghan Army commando uniforms symbolizing their victory over U.S/NATO imperialism by mocking one of America’s most iconic military photos from the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II. 20 years ago, George W. Bush declared, “The Taliban regime is coming to an end.” “The belief that white women knew what’s…

Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 Bombing

“In a war, where ever you are you have to destroy the enemy’s submarines and airplanes, anything you can. That’s how it is. In a war everything is valid.”–Orlando Bosch, justifying the terrorist attack on CU 455 and his role in it. (638 Ways to Kill Castro) 45 years ago, on the Wednesday afternoon of…

75th Anniversary of the Korean Workers’ Uprising

Workers in Seoul during the 1946 general strike led by the Communist Party of Korea. U.S military suppression and Stalinist treachery thwarted a potential Korean Revolution. “We set up concentration camps outside town and held strikers there when the jails got too full. It was war. We recognized it as war. And that is the…

Boxer Rebellion: Prelude to the Chinese Revolution

Chinese Boxers slaying European missionaries during their anti-imperialist uprising. the Boxers birthed China’s revolutionary movement in the 20th century. “Poor Imperial Government! So Christianly unselfish, and yet so unjustly maligned! Several years ago it unselfishly seized Port Arthur, and now it is unselfishly seizing Manchuria; it has unselfishly flooded the frontier provinces of China with…

145th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Uprising

Bulgarian rebels shooting at Turkish cavalrymen during the 1876 rebellion that led to the liberation of the Balkans from the militarism of the Ottoman Empire. “We will be free in complete liberty where the Bulgarian lives: in Bulgaria, Thrace, Macedonia; people of whatever ethnicity live in this heaven of ours, they will be equal in…

Chile: 45th Anniversary of the Original 9/11

Santiago, 9/11/1973. Chilean Army rounding up “Communists” after the CIA-engineered coup that overthrew the democratically-elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende, replacing it with a military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Original Facebook Note #46 published on 11 September 2018 “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due…

Blair Mountain: Centenary of the West Virginian Miners’ Uprising

Coal miners standing at the entrance of a Blair Mountain mine. Facing attacks on their union, the multi-ethnic proletariat rose up against the mining companies backed by the U.S government. “I am not blind to the shortcomings of our own people. I am not unaware that leaders betray, and sell out, and play false. But…

230th Anniversary of the Haitian Revolution

Led by black Jacobins inspired by the Great French Revolution, slaves on the French colony of Saint Domingue (today Haiti) rose up against their white French royalist oppressors on 22 August 1791. “When they [Haitians] struck for freedom, they builded better than they knew. Their swords were not drawn, and they could not be drawn…

Xinjiang: Islamophobia Embraces Islam

Uyghur Islamist and Trump supporter lock hands in solidarity at the demonstration in Washington DC thanking Donald Trump for signing the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, 17 June 2020. The Crescent Moon and Star and the Star-Spangled Banner united in counter-revolution against the Chinese workers state. “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and…

Polish Revolutions Against Czarist Domination

January Uprising 1863, Polish rebels launched the symbolic rebellion against Russian colonial slavery. The Battle of Grochowiska was one of the bloodiest confrontations. “Poland has demonstrated in 1863 and further proves every day that it cannot be done to death…A people which oppresses another cannot emancipate itself. The power which it uses to suppress the…

245th Anniversary of the American Revolution

American Patriots pulling down the hated statue of George III in New York City after the Declaration of Independence from British rule. Today this action is reviled by American patriots as “erasing our history.” “Everything that is right or natural pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘Tis…

380th Anniversary of the English Revolution

The beheading of King Charles Stuart I at the Palace of Whitehall in Westminster, London on 30 January 1649 marked the overthrow of feudal order and monarchial absolutism in England bringing revolutionary social change. “If writings be true, there have been many scufflings between the honest men of England and those that have tyrannised over…

110th Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution

Pancho Villa with his general staff in 1911, the second year of the nationwide peasant uprising against the dictatorship of Gen. Porfirio Díaz. “The peasantry is dispersed over the surface of an enormous country whose key junctions are the cities. The peasantry itself is incapable of even formulating its own interests inasmuch as in each…

Red Army Smashed the Kronstadt Counter-Revolution

Red Army soldiers firing at the Kronstadt reactionaries under the red and black banner of Anarchism, March 1921. “How can the Kronstadt uprising cause such heartburn to Anarchists, Mensheviks, and ‘liberal’ counter-revolutionists, all at the same time? The answer is simple: all these groupings are interested in compromising the only genuinely revolutionary current, which has…

France: 150th Anniversary of the Paris Commune

Communard national guardsmen on an erected barricade defending the Paris Commune from the counter-revolutionary army of Versailles, May 1871. “The direct antithesis to the empire was the Commune. The cry of ‘social republic,’ with which the February Revolution was ushered in by the Paris proletariat, did but express a vague aspiration after a republic that…

80th Anniversary of the Dutch Anti-Fascist General Strike

February Strike, 1941. 300,000 Communist-led workers in Amsterdam launched a general strike against the Nazis. “A strike is inconceivable without propaganda and without agitation. It is also inconceivable without pickets who, when they can, use persuasion, but when obliged, use force. The strike is the most elementary form of the class struggle which always combines,…

Betrayal of the Belgian General Strike 1960

Workers in Brussels rioting during the general strike against attacks by the ruling class on working conditions and wages. “The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another – no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy.”–Friedrich Engels, 1891; preface in The Civil War in France by…

Anti-Trumpster Tribute Archive

“I say one Communist in a defense plant is one Communist too many. One Communist on the faculty of one university is one Communist too many. One Communist among the American advisors at Yalta was one Communist too many. Even if there were only one Communist in the State Department that would still be one…

Congo 1961: The Murderous Regime Change

CIA/Belgian-backed Congolese troops taking prisoner African nationalist Patrice Lumumba, the elected “communist” prime minister of the Congo. “In high quarters here it is the clear-cut conclusion that if Lumumba continues to hold high office, the inevitable result will at best be chaos and at worst pave the way to a Communist takeover of the Congo,…

Somalia: “Human Rights” Imperialism Checked

Somali children dancing on one of the two Black Hawk helicopter shot down by militias. The U.S defeat in Mogadishu thwarted clinton’s regime change operation. “The American capitalists promise bread to Armenia. This is an old trick. They promise bread but they never give it. Did Hungary get bread after the fall of the Soviet…

Syria: A Legacy of Imperialist Rape

The ancient city of Raqqa destroyed by U.S-led forces in 2017. Washington’s support for the rebels has always meant to install a puppet government in Syria. “America is subsidizing what is left of the prestige and strength of the once mighty Britain [along with France]. The sun has set forever on that monocled, pith-helmeted resident…

U.S/NATO “Humanitarian” Rape of Libya

NATO attack on the University of Nasser in Tripoli killing dozens of faculty members and students as the imperialists carried out the terror bombing of a disarmed Libya. “Today, the government of Libya announced the death of Muammar Qaddafi. This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who…

Iraq: Decades of Imperialist Rape

Monument to Saddam Hussein in Baghdad toppled not by the plebeian Iraqi masses, but by American troops. “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”–Thomas Paine, American revolutionary and Founding Father. “Freedom”, “democracy”, “human rights”, “war on terror”, “keeping America safe” or as the British said: “civilization” and “culture.” No…

Georgian Coup: No Bed of Roses

So-called “Rose Revolution” brought a U.S-backed government to power in Georgia. “It’s about keeping Russia in its place.”–Mumia Abu-Jamal, 25 April 1999 In 1990 when the German Fourth Reich was in the process of annexing the East German deformed workers state, Republican U.S president George H.W Bush and West German Christian-Democratic chancellor Helmut Kohl made…

Australia: 45th Anniversary of the Canberra Coup

“Communist” prime minister Gough Whitlam addressing supporters on the day of his overthrow by Conservatives in league with the CIA. Instead of calling for strikes, Whitlam helped neutralize working class anger over his ousting. “We are not a satellite of any country. We are a friend and a partner of the United States particularly in…

Bolivian Coup: Trump’s Commitment to U.S Imperialism

Indigenous woman in La Paz confronting Bolivian security forces with a Wiphala flag during crackdown on anti-coup protesters. CIA-orchestrated coup overthrew the democratically-elected Evo Morales. “There’s a word for the President of a country being pushed out by the military. It’s called a coup. We must unequivocally oppose political violence in Bolivia. Bolivians deserve free…

Centenary of the Romanian General Strike

BUCHAREST RAILWAY WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES ON STRIKE AGAINST POST-WAR ECONOMIC MISERY BROUGHT BY AUSTERITY PROGRAMS TO PAY THE WAR DEBTS. “It is to be noted that after the war a colossal wave of strikes broke out over the whole country. The number of workers joining the Trade Unions increased to ten times what it…

Democratic Party: A Legacy of Racism and War

Trail of Tears, the forced removal of 5 Native American tribes from their homeland in the Deep South by the order of the first Democratic President Andrew Jackson, over ten thousand died. “Build a fire under the Cherokee. When it gets hot enough, they’ll move.” –Andrew Jackson ANDREW JACKSON, 7th President of the United States…

Betrayal of the Austrian General Strike

KPÖ-led strike in Styria (British sector) during Austria’s Oktoberstreik that had the potential to become an Austrian Revolution. Stalin’s refusal to support the general strike for the sake of peaceful coexistence with imperialism led to ITS demise. “Strikes, therefore, teach the workers to unite; they show them that they can struggle against the capitalists only…

Reactionary Reunification of Germany


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