Afghanistan: A Four Time British Graveyard

The last moments of a mighty British fighting force and their families before they were completely wiped out by Afghan tribesmen on mountainous road near Gandamak between Kabul and Jalalabad. The British went to Afghanistan to establish a permanent colony, and the Afghans made sure they succeeded. “Why did Great Britain try, not once butContinue reading “Afghanistan: A Four Time British Graveyard”

Polish Revolutions Against Czarist Domination

January Uprising 1863, Polish rebels launched the symbolic rebellion against Russian colonial slavery. The Battle of Grochowiska was one of the bloodiest confrontations. “Poland has demonstrated in 1863 and further proves every day that it cannot be done to death…A people which oppresses another cannot emancipate itself. The power which it uses to suppress theContinue reading “Polish Revolutions Against Czarist Domination”

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