Iran 1953: The Birthplace of Imperialist Regime Change

Iranian Royal Army troops and tanks in the streets of Tehran after the deposition of the elected left-populist prime minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq by the first CIA-engineered coup. “There being no rival in sight who is likely to overthrow Mossadeq by parliamentary means, it follows that Persia’s main hope of not passing under Communist dominationContinue reading “Iran 1953: The Birthplace of Imperialist Regime Change”

Guatemala 1954: The Rotten Fruits of Democracy

CIA’s rebel mercenary thugs point their guns at a dummy of Guatemala’s left-wing “Communist” president Jacobo Árbenz. Original Facebook Note #66 published on 19 October 2019 “What we wanted to do was have a terror campaign, to terrify Árbenz particularly, terrify his troops, much as the German Stuka bombers terrified the populations of Belgium, HollandContinue reading “Guatemala 1954: The Rotten Fruits of Democracy”

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