35 Years Since the Rape of Grenada

U.S Marines in Grenada restoring wounded American pride. Original Facebook Note #48 published on 2 November 2018 “At 1117 hours our ambassador communicated that there is no further Cuban resistance. The fighters in the final redoubt did not surrender and gave their lives for the homeland.”–Radio Havana 4pm broadcast 26 October 1983. In 1983, theContinue reading “35 Years Since the Rape of Grenada”

Cuban Missile Crisis: A U.S Nuclear Provocation

U.S spy photo showing construction of Soviet missile site near San Christobal, Cuba on 23 October 1962. Soviet missiles were a deterrence from a U.S invasion of Cuba. “The USSR betrayed us during the missile crisis. The Cuban people were ready for anything at that time, and when finally, an agreement was reached between theContinue reading “Cuban Missile Crisis: A U.S Nuclear Provocation”

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