German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers

German workers and soldiers listen to Karl Liebknecht proclaim a “Free Socialist Republic of Germany” from the balcony of the Berlin Palace on 9 November 1918. Original Facebook Note #51 Published on 15 January 2019 “Without a German Revolution there can be no salvation for the Russian Revolution, no hope for socialism after this worldContinue reading “German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers”

India: 165th Anniversary of the Great Rebellion

Indian mutineers overrunning British position in Jhansi. Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim sepoys in the British army led a mutiny that became a nationwide uprising against British tyranny and breaking sectarian barriers. “The Indians will not reap the fruits of the new elements of society scattered among them by the British bourgeoisie, till in Great BritainContinue reading “India: 165th Anniversary of the Great Rebellion”

Red Army Smashed the Kronstadt Counter-Revolution

Red Army soldiers firing at the Kronstadt reactionaries under the red and black banner of Anarchism, March 1921. “How can the Kronstadt uprising cause such heartburn to Anarchists, Mensheviks, and ‘liberal’ counter-revolutionists, all at the same time? The answer is simple: all these groupings are interested in compromising the only genuinely revolutionary current, which hasContinue reading “Red Army Smashed the Kronstadt Counter-Revolution”

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