Imperialists Mourn Gorbachov

George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachov shaking hands at the Malta Summit in December 1989 that brought the Cold War to an end under capitulatory terms for Moscow that was a ratification for counter-revolution. This effectively completed the digging of the grave for the Soviet degenerated workers state that Boris Yeltsin killed and buried. “AtContinue reading “Imperialists Mourn Gorbachov”

70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution

Yugoslav Partisans marching through the liberated city of Bitola, Macedonia in 1944. Partisan victories over fascism in Yugoslavia led to social revolution that swept away capitalist rule. Original Facebook Note #14 published 29 November 2015 “Grouping and mutuality of countries and peoples in the Balkans is the only road that leads to economic, national andContinue reading “70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution”

Cuba Legalizes Gay Marriage

Cuban gays celebrate their victory by referendum granting them the right to marry their partners in a landslide victory. The gains of the Cuban Revolution have finally been extended to the LGBT community. “This change is very important because it the political will of the state and the government to advance a human rights agendaContinue reading “Cuba Legalizes Gay Marriage”

70th Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution

Large crowd demonstrating in front of the Ministry Council Headquarters in support of the overthrow of the pro-British monarchy in July 1952. “In view of what the country has suffered in the recent past, the complete vacuity prevailing in all corners as a result of your bad behavior, your toying with the constitution, and yourContinue reading “70th Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution”

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