Bloody Betrayal of the Spanish Revolution

Anarchist CNT-led workers militia in Barcelona during the May Days in 1937. Popular Front leaderships of the POUM, Stalinists, Socialists and Anarchists handed the Spanish workers to Franco’s butchers. Original Facebook Note #30 published on 12 December 2017 “The leaders of the CNT and FAI themselves declared after the uprising of May 1937: ‘Had weContinue reading “Bloody Betrayal of the Spanish Revolution”

Betrayal of the British General Strike 1926

In May 1926 nearly 4 million workers in Great Britain went on a 9-day general strike. The class collaborationist policy of Joseph Stalin and the TUC labor bureaucracy saved the Royal family, Stanley Baldwin, and Winston Churchill from facing the anger of the workers like the last Russian Czar in a second English Revolution. OriginalContinue reading “Betrayal of the British General Strike 1926”

Vietnamese Revolution: 40th Anniversary of the Victory

30 April 1975, people of Saigon (now Hồ Chí Minh City) welcome the entry of the Vietnamese People’s Army and the Việt Cộng as the despised South Vietnamese regime crumbled. Original Facebook Note #9 published on 28 July 2015 “They mobilized as many as 6 million in rotation and dropped over 100 million tons ofContinue reading “Vietnamese Revolution: 40th Anniversary of the Victory”

German Fourth Reich’s Counter-Revolution in Yugoslavia

Yugoslav federal tanks rolling through Vukovar, Croatia during the bloody siege. Revitalized by capitalist reunification, German imperialism spearheaded the bloody destruction of the Yugoslav deformed workers state. Original Facebook Note #22 published on 15 May 2017 “We will plan an independent Croatia in the framework of the new European order if the Yugoslav state, dueContinue reading “German Fourth Reich’s Counter-Revolution in Yugoslavia”

Stalinist Betrayal of the French Workers

May 1968, French students and workers in Paris march during the general strike with a hanging dummy of Charles de Gaulle. Stalinists derailed socialist revolution when the capitalist system was at its knees. Original Facebook Note #38 published on 28 May 2018 “So we must know how to end a strike when satisfaction has beenContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the French Workers”

Stalinist Betrayal of the Italian Revolution

Milan 28 April 1945; armed Italian Partisans and Communist workers celebrating after their lynching of Benito Mussolini, his mistress, and Blackshirt officers. Stalinists then disar med the workers and ensured the revival of capitalism. Original Facebook Note #37 published on 27 April 2018 “We said to them, ‘let us collaborate’. But workers did more. TheyContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the Italian Revolution”

Afghanistan: Red Army was Vital to Women’s Emancipation

Soviet troops take control of Kabul Airport, December 1979. Original Facebook Note #19 published on 29 March 2017 (initially titled “Afghanistan: From Women’s Emancipation to Enslavement”, I later decided to modify it arguing in defense of the Russian intervention with respect to women’s rights) “The women of Afghanistan did not lose their rights under theContinue reading “Afghanistan: Red Army was Vital to Women’s Emancipation”

Ethiopia: Moscow’s/Havana’s Bloody Derg

Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam, Ethiopia’s Idi Amin proclaiming himself head of the country in 1977. Original Facebook Note #34 published on 25 February 2018 “The nationalities question is one of the complex problems which the enemies of the new Ethiopia are seeking to use for their own ends. We regard with understanding the intention ofContinue reading “Ethiopia: Moscow’s/Havana’s Bloody Derg”

Vietnam 1979: Defeat of the Chinese Invasion

Vietnamese soldiers posing atop a disabled Chinese tank. China invaded Vietnam on behalf of U.S imperialism and their deposed Cambodian toady Pol Pot. Original Facebook Note #54 published on 25 February 2019 “We will teach Vietnam a bloody lesson because they have placed Laos under their control, invaded Cambodia, signed a peace treaty with theContinue reading “Vietnam 1979: Defeat of the Chinese Invasion”

Belfast Relief Strike 1932: Irish Workers Fought As One

Not Green versus Orange, but Red: class versus class. Catholic and Protestant workers in Belfast, Northern Ireland erecting a barricade and prepare for battle with the police and the British Army during the relief strike. Original Facebook Note #26 published on 3 October 2017 “For many years the workers of Belfast have been divided byContinue reading “Belfast Relief Strike 1932: Irish Workers Fought As One”

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