Mao’s Betrayal of the Macau Uprising

Macau police spraying anti-colonial protesters with water cannon, 3 December 1966. Chinese students and workers rose up against years of colonial slavery by the Portuguese fascist authorities who responded with a brutal crackdown killing dozens and wounding hundreds. “I am afraid that it will be more beneficial for us to develop overseas relations and importContinue reading “Mao’s Betrayal of the Macau Uprising”

Albania: The Final European Counter-Revolution

December 1990, Albanian students in Tirana topple statue of Stalinist ruler Enver Hoxha. Two years later his heirs carried out counter-revolution. Original Facebook Note #31 published on 2 January 2018 “The only religion of Albania is Albanianism.”–Enver Hoxha As the counter-revolutionary tidal wave swept through the East bloc in 1989, Albania, the rogue of theContinue reading “Albania: The Final European Counter-Revolution”

Polish Solidarność: Front for CIA, Vatican, and Bankers

Lech Wałęsa (front row, left side) observing workers in confession to priests. Decades of Stalinist mismanagement, corruption, and oppression drove 80% of Poland’s historically pro-socialist proletariat into the arms of the Catholic Church. Original Facebook Note #18 published 22 February 2017 “We don’t strike for the Black Madonna of Czestochowa!” –Italian workers refusing to joinContinue reading “Polish Solidarność: Front for CIA, Vatican, and Bankers”

Qatar: FIFA, Racism, and Western Double Standard

The unveiling of the official World Cup 2022 emblem in Doha’s Souq Waqif on the Msheireb, the building of the Qatar National Archive Museum, 2 September 2019. “Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”–Wes Fesler, American sportsman and coach Netflix released a well-done four-part documentary series FIFA Uncovered that exposesContinue reading “Qatar: FIFA, Racism, and Western Double Standard”

Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists

The banner reads “They Shall Not Pass! Fascism wants to conquer Madrid! Madrid will be the tomb of Fascism!” November 1936, Madrid workers erecting a barricade to keep Franco’s fascist army out of the city. Original Facebook Note #17 published 4 February 2017 “At the present time, while this is being written, the civil warContinue reading “Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists”

Elizabeth II Bites the Dust, Bourgeois World Wails

Republican protester in Edinburgh, Scotland being arrested by royalist police for publicly displaying a placard against British imperialism and calling to abolish the monarchy. “Essentially the monarchist system allows people to believe that there are people who are better than you for no good reason. That’s why it’s absurd.”–Robert Smith, front man for The CureContinue reading “Elizabeth II Bites the Dust, Bourgeois World Wails”

Bloody Betrayal of the Greek Revolution

Athens Uprising 3 December 1944. British Army and Greek fascist auxiliaries shot dead 28 pro-Communist/EAM demonstrators, and injured scores of others. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) following Joseph Stalin’s class collaborationist line sealed the death of the Greek Revolution. Original Facebook Note #29 published 3 December 2017 “If EAM/ELAS had been determined to seizeContinue reading “Bloody Betrayal of the Greek Revolution”

Laos: 40th National Day

Laotians in Vientiane celebrating the 40th anniversary of their liberation from the imperialist-backed monarchy. Original Facebook Note #12 published on 2 December 2015 “I want to make it clear to the American people, to the entire world that all we want in Laos is peace not war. A truly neutral government, not a Cold WarContinue reading “Laos: 40th National Day”

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