Soweto 1976: The Black South African Students’ Uprising

Tens of thousands of black students in Soweto protested the prohibition of their native languages and forced Afrikaans education. Boer soldiers and police responded with gunfire killing hundreds. Original Facebook Note #40 published on 30 June 2018 “If we must do Afrikaans, Vorster must do Zulu!”–Soweto students protesting against education in mandatory Afrikaans. “I amContinue reading “Soweto 1976: The Black South African Students’ Uprising”

Stalinism and the German Tragedy

Adolf Hitler making victory speech in Berlin 1933. Four years earlier the Nazis came to power in Germany without a fight from the liberals, social-democrats, and Stalinists. Original Facebook Note #52 published on 13 February 1919. “Fascism is the military organization of the bourgeoisie which leans upon the Social-Democracy for active support. The Social-Democracy, objectivelyContinue reading “Stalinism and the German Tragedy”

Second American Revolution Betrayed

Painting of Col. Robert Gould Shaw and the black soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. Original Facebook Note #74 published on 12 February 2020. Reposted in honor of Lincoln’s Day. “The Civil War was not merely a strife for territory and dominion, but a contest of civilization against barbarism.”–Frederick Douglass, 1865 “Labor in aContinue reading “Second American Revolution Betrayed”

Ukraine’s Euromaidan: Bandera Goes to Hollywood

Euromaidan New Year‘s Day 2014, neo-Nazis from the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” party marching in Kiev display portrait of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. Fascists were the spearhead of the U.S/EU-backed Euromaidan coup. Original Facebook Note #82 published on 14 March 2020. (Note: Before the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine the fight for self-determination for Donetsk andContinue reading “Ukraine’s Euromaidan: Bandera Goes to Hollywood”

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