Stalinist Betrayal of the Iranian Revolution

International Women’s Day in Tehran 1979, at least 100,000 women and male supporters took the streets protesting against Khomeini’s measure to re-enslave women to the black chador; for equal rights and pay. Original Facebook Note #56 published on 27 March 2019 “In Islamic society, women are not considered human beings. I remember when I wasContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the Iranian Revolution”

20 Years Since the NATO Rape of Yugoslavia

U.S/NATO “humanitarian bombing” of a passenger train in Grdelica, Serbia killing 60 civilians. Original Facebook Note #59 published on 24 March 2019 (written for the 20th anniversary of the bombing) “While showing themselves ready and willing to bomb Yugoslavia on behalf of an ostensibly oppressed minority in Kosovo, U.S. leaders have made no moves againstContinue reading “20 Years Since the NATO Rape of Yugoslavia”

Tibetans and Native Americans, No Comparison

Tibetan exiles and San Francisco hipsters celebrate the CIA backed uprising in Tibet, 10 March 2015. Commemorations have been held annually all over the West since 1996. Original Facebook Note #7 published on 10 March 2015 “It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA. WeContinue reading “Tibetans and Native Americans, No Comparison”

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