Afghanistan: 30th Anniversary of Jalalabad

Afghan militiawomen in Kabul 1986 commemorating the 1978 coup. They played a decisive role in defeating the CIA’s Mujahideen in Jalalabad 1989. Original Facebook Note #55 published 9 March 2019 Note: Throughout the Soviet occupation, the Afghan government was depicted in the Western media and by the imperialists as a fledgling regime that was heldContinue reading “Afghanistan: 30th Anniversary of Jalalabad”

Vietnam: 60th Anniversary of Điện Biên Phủ

7 May 2014 Điện Biên Phủ, Vietnam. Soldiers of Vietnamese People’s Army dress as Việt Minh and parade in honor of the heroic battle that freed the country from colonial rule as veterans and millions of Vietnamese celebrate. Original Facebook Note #5 published on 1 October 2014 “A people who have courageously opposed French dominationContinue reading “Vietnam: 60th Anniversary of Điện Biên Phủ”

220th Anniversary of the Irish Revolution

Irish Catholic and Protestant rebels charging the British redcoats at Oulart Hill, 27 May 1798. “Never to desist in our efforts until we subvert the authority of England over our country and asserted our independence.”–Theobald Wolfe Tone, father of Irish republicanism, 1798 Original Facebook Note #39 published on 26 June 2018 Ireland since the 12thContinue reading “220th Anniversary of the Irish Revolution”

Canada: 101st Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike

Workers tipping over a tram car in Winnipeg during the general strike against post-war austerity to pay off war debts. Original Facebook Note #84 published on 15 June 2020 “Girls have got to learn to fight as men have had to do for the right to live, and we women of the labour league areContinue reading “Canada: 101st Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike”

The Lie of German Collective Guilt for Nazi Crimes

Sudeten Germans being expelled from Czechoslovakia by the pro-Allied regime of Edvard Beneš. Their only crime was being German. The collective guilt against the German people was pushed by the imperialists, social-democrats, liberals, and Stalinists. Original Facebook Note #81 published on 20 May 2020 “The declaration that there is a ‘collective guilt’ in the GermanContinue reading “The Lie of German Collective Guilt for Nazi Crimes”

Red Army Saved the World from Fascism

Soviet soldiers trample over Nazi flag during the march to Berlin. Original Facebook note #80 published on 9 May 2020 “We make a fundamental distinction between the Soviet Union and its ‘democratic’ allies. We defend the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is a workers’ state, although degenerated under the totalitarian-political rule of the Kremlin bureaucracy.Continue reading “Red Army Saved the World from Fascism”

Bay of Piglets: Trump’s Venezuelan Misadventure

Venezuelan soldiers pose with captured American-led mercenaries from the failed Rambo-style raid on the country’s coast at Macuto Bay that was meant to oust Nicolás Maduro in the latest attempt by the U.S government. Original Facebook Note #83 published on 1 June 2020 “A group of terrorist mercenaries attempted a maritime invasion, entering Venezuela withContinue reading “Bay of Piglets: Trump’s Venezuelan Misadventure”

85th Anniversary of the American Workers’ Strikes

Bloody Thursday. Police attacking longshoremen strike with tear gas and batons in the Embarcadero of San Francisco, July 1934. Two workers were killed. Original Facebook Note #75 published on 1 March 2020. Republished for May Day. “THE wide shift of the American working class to the Left, prepared by the ravages of the five yearContinue reading “85th Anniversary of the American Workers’ Strikes”

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