Guatemala 1954: The Rotten Fruits of Democracy

CIA’s rebel mercenary thugs point their guns at a dummy of Guatemala’s left-wing “Communist” president Jacobo Árbenz. Original Facebook Note #66 published on 19 October 2019 “What we wanted to do was have a terror campaign, to terrify Árbenz particularly, terrify his troops, much as the German Stuka bombers terrified the populations of Belgium, HollandContinue reading “Guatemala 1954: The Rotten Fruits of Democracy”

Venezuela: 30th Anniversary of El Caracazo

“Make Venezuela Great Again!”, howl the Republicans and Democrats today. The U.S-backed Venezuelan government massacred over 3,000 people in Caracas protesting against IMF-dictated austerity programs February-March 1989. Original Facebook Note #61 published on 18 July 2019 “27 February is the day that the rottenness overflowed. First as a carnival, then as a tragedy.”–Boris Muñoz, CaracasContinue reading “Venezuela: 30th Anniversary of El Caracazo”

Vorkuta: 65th Anniversary of the Soviet Prisoners’ Strike

Watch tower and detention cell of the Vorkuta gulag, one of the largest and most notorious in the USSR. Original Facebook Note #44 published on 1 August 2018 “Today marks the second anniversary of the most unprecedented strike in the world-the revolt in Russian slave labor camps in Vorkuta. The outstanding part of the strikeContinue reading “Vorkuta: 65th Anniversary of the Soviet Prisoners’ Strike”

In the City of Slaughter: An Old Poem, Once Upon A December

Once Upon a Pogrom. Yekaterinoslav, Russia (today Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine) the slain bodies of Jewish children murdered by the Black Hundreds on orders of Czar Nikolai II. Many Black Hundreds received medals by their Czar for a job well done in the bloody pogroms. Original Facebook Note #42 published on 17 July 2018 “When the accursedContinue reading “In the City of Slaughter: An Old Poem, Once Upon A December”

231st Anniversary of the French Revolution

Storming of the Bastille 14 July 1789, the working people of Paris killed soldiers, freed the prisoners, and armed themselves igniting the French Revolution. Original Facebook Note #86 published on 14 July 2020 “The revolution is the war of liberty against its enemies. The constitution is the rule of liberty against its enemies. The constitutionContinue reading “231st Anniversary of the French Revolution”

The Bosnian Genocide That Never Was

Ratko Mladić in Srebrenica after Serbian troops took over the “safe area” with no opposition from NATO or the Dutch UN “peacekeepers.” Alija Izetbegović in league with Bill Clinton and Wim Kok fabricated a genocide to justify NATO intervention. Original Facebook Note #85 published on 10 July 2020 “After meeting with American president Clinton, AlijaContinue reading “The Bosnian Genocide That Never Was”

Iran Air Flight 655 Shootdown

“I will never apologize for the United States. I don’t care what the facts are. I am not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.”–George H.W. Bush, U.S vice president, 2 August 1988, refusing to acknowledge the murder in the Persian Gulf. Original Facebook Note #41 published on 8 July 2018 30 years ago, on 3 JulyContinue reading “Iran Air Flight 655 Shootdown”

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