Warsaw Uprising 1944: The Lie of the “Soviet Betrayal”

Warsaw reduced to ruins after the Nazis crushed a revolt by the Polish Home Army, killing 300,000 Poles, 1944. Soviets not intervening against Nazis created a string of anti-Communist lies. “The Germans have ceased to be the number one enemy…. The struggle against communism is today our essential task and perhaps even our only task.”–PolishContinue reading “Warsaw Uprising 1944: The Lie of the “Soviet Betrayal””

Prague Spring 1968: Czechoslovak Workers Resisted the Invasion

Czechs in Prague barricading Russian tanks during Soviet/Warsaw Pact invasion. Original Facebook Note #45 published on 26 August 2018 “Lenin Wake Up! Brezhnev Has Gone Mad!”–Slogan of Czechoslovak students and workers against the invasion. “The Czechs and Slovaks always considered us their brothers. Will we let the word ‘Soviet’ become synonymous in their eyes withContinue reading “Prague Spring 1968: Czechoslovak Workers Resisted the Invasion”

USSR: The Baltic Counter-Revolution

Latvian nationalists demonstrating in Riga 1989 under inter-war flag. Original Facebook Note #64 published on 2 September 2019 “If the striving to divide what cannot be divided continues as a characteristic of the period before the previous two world wars, if lands and frontiers are being recurved while the lives and safety of people areContinue reading “USSR: The Baltic Counter-Revolution”

30th Anniversary of the Soviet Miners’ Strike

Prokopyevsk, Siberia; Russian miners striking for soap, meat, safety measures, pay raises, and socialism; and against misery unleashed by Mikhail Gorbachov’s Perestroika. The strikes spread to mines all over the USSR presenting a potential political revolution. Original Facebook Note #63 published on 7 August 2019 “Availing itself of the death of Lenin, the ruling groupContinue reading “30th Anniversary of the Soviet Miners’ Strike”

El Salvador: 40th Anniversary of the “Human Rights” Coup

FMLN guerillas going to engage the murderous government forces. Original Facebook Note #71 published on 19 January 2020 “I hope that your religious sentiments and your feelings for the defense of human rights will move you to accept my petition, avoiding by this action worse bloodshed in this suffering country.”–Archbishop Oscar Romero, from his unansweredContinue reading “El Salvador: 40th Anniversary of the “Human Rights” Coup”

Betrayal of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1979

Sandinista (FSLN) rebels celebrating the taking of the National Palace in Managua after the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship. Original Facebook Note #62 published on 1 August 2019 “Avoid the early mistakes we made in Cuba: the political rejection by the West, premature frontal attacks on the bourgeoisie, economic isolation.”–Fidel Castro, July 1979 advising theContinue reading “Betrayal of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1979”

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