Indonesia: 55 Years Since the White Terror

Indonesian soldiers arrest suspected Communists during White Terror that killed over 1 million Communists, ethnic-Chinese, workers, and peasants after CIA coup overthrew the democratically elected “Communist” Ahmed Sukarno. Original Facebook Note #87 originally published on 2 October 2020 “We did what we had to do and you’d better be glad we did because if weContinue reading “Indonesia: 55 Years Since the White Terror”

Argentina 1976: The Gentleman’s Coup

Argentine tanks and troops patrolling Buenas Aires Plaza de Mayo after CIA-backed coup. Original Facebook Note #78 published on 24 March 2020 “In the industrial backwards countries foreign capital plays a decisive role. Hence the relative weakness of the national bourgeoisie in relation to the national proletariat. This creates special conditions of state power. TheContinue reading “Argentina 1976: The Gentleman’s Coup”

95th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Insurrection

Anti-fascist rebels in Stara Zagora during Bulgaria’s September Uprising 1923. Original Facebook Note #47 published on 16 March 2018 “The Bulgarian people’s history of thirteen centuries is rich in revolutionary movements, rebellions, uprisings. There is scarcely a nook in Bulgaria which is not linked with recent and bygone battles for the freedom and happiness ofContinue reading “95th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Insurrection”

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 Shootdown

Original Facebook Note #3 published on 22 October 2013 “Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None. But it didn’t seem to make sense before the Russian Revolution, when Russia was a Christian country. Now it does, now that RussiaContinue reading “Korean Air Lines Flight 007 Shootdown”

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