Zoot Suit Rebellion 1943: The Myth of “Anti-Fascist” America

Arrested Latino “Zoot suiter” youths in LAPD custody outside the Los Angeles County Jail being transported to court to face trumped up charges of “rioting.” War time racist frenzy was whipped up by liberal darling Franklin D. Roosevelt. “These youths refused to accept the racialized norms of segregated America. With their flashy ensembles, distinct slang,Continue reading “Zoot Suit Rebellion 1943: The Myth of “Anti-Fascist” America”

Bulgaria: The Overlooked Counter-Revolution

Bulgarians in Sofia stage protest against Stalinist leader Todor Zhivkov in November 1989. Stalinist bureaucracy then ousted Zhivkov and opened the door to counter-revolution. Original Facebook Note #72 published on 25 January 2020 “Free and democratic elections to be held next year. The Party is ready to renounce itself.”–Petar Mladenov, liberal Stalinist leader signaling counter-revolutionContinue reading “Bulgaria: The Overlooked Counter-Revolution”

Russian Revoluton Centenary: When the Workers Seized Power

Russian workers, peasants, and soldiers of the Petrograd Soviet listen to Vladimir Lenin address them with call for “All Power to the Soviets!” upon his return from exile, 16 April 1917. Original Facebook Note #27 published on 7 November 2017 “Comrades! The workers’ and peasants’ revolution, about the necessity of which the Bolsheviks have alwaysContinue reading “Russian Revoluton Centenary: When the Workers Seized Power”

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