Angola: The Deathblow to Apartheid

March 1988, South African troops withdrawing from southern Angola after their defeat at Cuito Cuanavale by the Cuban intervention. This led to the liberation of South West Africa (today Namibia) and the death of Apartheid. Original Facebook Note #35 published on 4 April 2018 “The defeat of the Apartheid army [in Angola] served as anContinue reading “Angola: The Deathblow to Apartheid”

Ethiopia: Moscow’s/Havana’s Bloody Derg

Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam, Ethiopia’s Idi Amin proclaiming himself head of the country in 1977. Original Facebook Note #34 published on 25 February 2018 “The nationalities question is one of the complex problems which the enemies of the new Ethiopia are seeking to use for their own ends. We regard with understanding the intention ofContinue reading “Ethiopia: Moscow’s/Havana’s Bloody Derg”

Vietnam 1979: Defeat of the Chinese Invasion

Vietnamese soldiers posing atop a disabled Chinese tank. China invaded Vietnam on behalf of U.S imperialism and their deposed Cambodian toady Pol Pot. Original Facebook Note #54 published on 25 February 2019 “We will teach Vietnam a bloody lesson because they have placed Laos under their control, invaded Cambodia, signed a peace treaty with theContinue reading “Vietnam 1979: Defeat of the Chinese Invasion”

Belfast Relief Strike 1932: Irish Workers Fought As One

Not Green versus Orange, but Red: class versus class. Catholic and Protestant workers in Belfast, Northern Ireland erecting a barricade and prepare for battle with the police and the British Army during the relief strike. Original Facebook Note #26 published on 3 October 2017 “For many years the workers of Belfast have been divided byContinue reading “Belfast Relief Strike 1932: Irish Workers Fought As One”

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