Stalin’s First Betrayal: The Russian Revolution

Joseph Stalin at his summer dacha in 1935. A symbol of privilege enjoyed by the bureaucracy that took hold and overturned workers’ democracy. Original Facebook Note #28 published on 28 November 2017 “Will it be possible for this revolution to take place in one country alone? No. By creating the world market, big industry hasContinue reading “Stalin’s First Betrayal: The Russian Revolution”

English Armada: The Spanish Misadventure of Elizabeth I

Spanish fleet battling the English Armada off Lisbon. The English defeat prolonged the global conflict between London and Madrid into the next century. “If God wants to punish you, he’ll answer your prayers.”–Stromkern, Perfect Sunrise “The English Armada was larger than the Spanish, and from many points of view it was an even greater disaster.Continue reading “English Armada: The Spanish Misadventure of Elizabeth I”

Birkenau: 80th Anniversary of the Romani Revolt

German Gypsies awaiting deportation to death camps from Asperg, May 1940 “The Gypsies, armed with handcuffs, knives, shovels and stones, waited to see what would happen. They did not leave the barracks. The SS members were appalled and left themselves.”–Tadeusz Joachimowski, Polish inmate of Birkenau 16 May is marked as Roma Resistance Day in celebrationContinue reading “Birkenau: 80th Anniversary of the Romani Revolt”

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