Bulgaria: The Overlooked Counter-Revolution

Bulgarians in Sofia stage protest against Stalinist leader Todor Zhivkov in November 1989. Stalinist bureaucracy then ousted Zhivkov and opened the door to counter-revolution. Original Facebook Note #72 published on 25 January 2020 “Free and democratic elections to be held next year. The Party is ready to renounce itself.”–Petar Mladenov, liberal Stalinist leader signaling counter-revolutionContinue reading “Bulgaria: The Overlooked Counter-Revolution”

95th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Insurrection

Anti-fascist rebels in Stara Zagora during Bulgaria’s September Uprising 1923. Original Facebook Note #47 published on 16 March 2018 “The Bulgarian people’s history of thirteen centuries is rich in revolutionary movements, rebellions, uprisings. There is scarcely a nook in Bulgaria which is not linked with recent and bygone battles for the freedom and happiness ofContinue reading “95th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Insurrection”

145th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Uprising

Bulgarian rebels shooting at Turkish cavalrymen during the 1876 rebellion that led to the liberation of the Balkans from the militarism of the Ottoman Empire. “We will be free in complete liberty where the Bulgarian lives: in Bulgaria, Thrace, Macedonia; people of whatever ethnicity live in this heaven of ours, they will be equal inContinue reading “145th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Uprising”

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