60th Anniversary of the Polish Workers’ Uprising

Polish workers in Poznań climb aboard a tank. Local army units refused to fire on the workers and joined them. Original Facebook Note #13 publish on 6 November 2016 “People will remove the Party from the factory, and the workers will manage by themselves and receive the profits directly.”–ZISPO factory worker, Poznań 1956 60 yearsContinue reading “60th Anniversary of the Polish Workers’ Uprising”

USSR: 60th Anniversary of the Novocherkassk Uprising

Locomotive factory workers in Novocherkassk staged a strike against hated production quotas and increasing food prices. Workers carried portraits of Lenin and Soviet flags. “There was no need to campaign for the strike among the workers of the plant. It was enough for the group which called for a strike to appear, and work stoppedContinue reading “USSR: 60th Anniversary of the Novocherkassk Uprising”

Polish Workers’ Struggle Against Stalinism

Workers take to the streets in Radom, Poland in late June 1976 that led to other citywide strikes throughout Poland called for by local strike committees thwarted the Stalinists’ price hikes to pay back imperialist bankers. “For wages of Communist Party [PZPR] leaders to be no more than those of an average worker!”–Striking shipyard workersContinue reading “Polish Workers’ Struggle Against Stalinism”

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