Bloody Betrayal of the Spanish Revolution

Anarchist CNT-led workers militia in Barcelona during the May Days in 1937. Popular Front leaderships of the POUM, Stalinists, Socialists and Anarchists handed the Spanish workers to Franco’s butchers. Original Facebook Note #30 published on 12 December 2017 “The leaders of the CNT and FAI themselves declared after the uprising of May 1937: ‘Had weContinue reading “Bloody Betrayal of the Spanish Revolution”

Betrayal of the British General Strike 1926

In May 1926 nearly 4 million workers in Great Britain went on a 9-day general strike. The class collaborationist policy of Joseph Stalin and the TUC labor bureaucracy saved the Royal family, Stanley Baldwin, and Winston Churchill from facing the anger of the workers like the last Russian Czar in a second English Revolution. OriginalContinue reading “Betrayal of the British General Strike 1926”

Vietnamese Revolution: 40th Anniversary of the Victory

30 April 1975, people of Saigon (now Hồ Chí Minh City) welcome the entry of the Vietnamese People’s Army and the Việt Cộng as the despised South Vietnamese regime crumbled. Original Facebook Note #9 published on 28 July 2015 “They mobilized as many as 6 million in rotation and dropped over 100 million tons ofContinue reading “Vietnamese Revolution: 40th Anniversary of the Victory”

Bay of Pigs: The Cuban Fist and Kennedy’s Bloody Nose

19 April 1961, Cuban armed revolutionaries escorting Kennedy’s surrendered counter-revolutionaries after the failed invasion on Cuba’s southern coast at the Bay of Pigs. Original Facebook Note #25 published on 13 July 2017 “Thank you for Playa Girón [Bay of Pigs]. Before the invasion, the revolution was weak. Now it is stronger than ever.”–Ernesto “Che” Guevara;Continue reading “Bay of Pigs: The Cuban Fist and Kennedy’s Bloody Nose”

Stalinist Betrayal of the Iraqi Revolution

14 July 1958, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis including elements of the military crowded into Baghdad and toppled the hated pro-British monarchy. Original Facebook Note #43 published on 24 July 2018 “A bill of indictment against the Iraqi Communist leaders was drawn up in Moscow and the Iraqi [Communist] Party was ordered not merely toContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the Iraqi Revolution”

Stalinist Betrayal of the French Workers

May 1968, French students and workers in Paris march during the general strike with a hanging dummy of Charles de Gaulle. Stalinists derailed socialist revolution when the capitalist system was at its knees. Original Facebook Note #38 published on 28 May 2018 “So we must know how to end a strike when satisfaction has beenContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the French Workers”

Stalinist Betrayal of the Italian Revolution

Milan 28 April 1945; armed Italian Partisans and Communist workers celebrating after their lynching of Benito Mussolini, his mistress, and Blackshirt officers. Stalinists then disar med the workers and ensured the revival of capitalism. Original Facebook Note #37 published on 27 April 2018 “We said to them, ‘let us collaborate’. But workers did more. TheyContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the Italian Revolution”

60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Fidel Castro and his Movement of 26 guerillas welcomed as liberators in Santiago on the first of the year in 1959. Cuban Revolution was a severe blow to U.S interests. Original Facebook Note #50 published on 1 January 2019 “I think that one of the great things the Cuban Revolution has done is preserve history.”–AssataContinue reading “60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution”

Cambodia: 40th Anniversary of Liberation

Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia ousted the genocidal Pol Pot, liberating the people from the Khmer Rouge terror in their second blow against U.S imperialism. Original Facebook Note #53 published on 19 February 2019 “I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. I encouraged the Thai to help the DK [Democratic Kampuchea, Pol Pot’s government-in-exile]. TheContinue reading “Cambodia: 40th Anniversary of Liberation”

Romanian Revolution 25 Years Later

Bucharest, Romania December 1989; a triumphant protester standing on the balcony where the Stalinist Dracula Nicolae Ceaușescu made his final speech before being toppled by mass upheaval. Original Facebook Note #6 published on 18 January 2015 “Mr. Ceaușescu has shown himself to be one of Europe’s good Communists.” –George H.W. Bush, U.S vice president, 1983.Continue reading “Romanian Revolution 25 Years Later”

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