Russian Revoluton Centenary: When the Workers Seized Power

Russian workers, peasants, and soldiers of the Petrograd Soviet listen to Vladimir Lenin address them with call for “All Power to the Soviets!” upon his return from exile, 16 April 1917. Original Facebook Note #27 published on 7 November 2017 “Comrades! The workers’ and peasants’ revolution, about the necessity of which the Bolsheviks have alwaysContinue reading “Russian Revoluton Centenary: When the Workers Seized Power”

70th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution

People’s Liberation Army entering Beijing and welcomed as liberators signaling the victory of the Chinese Revolution. Capitalism and colonial slavery were overturned. Original Facebook Note #67 published on 1 October 2019 “To wipe out the Japanese aggressors and build a new China, it is imperative to reform the land system and emancipate the peasants. Dr.Continue reading “70th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution”

Betrayal of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1979

Sandinista (FSLN) rebels celebrating the taking of the National Palace in Managua after the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship. Original Facebook Note #62 published on 1 August 2019 “Avoid the early mistakes we made in Cuba: the political rejection by the West, premature frontal attacks on the bourgeoisie, economic isolation.”–Fidel Castro, July 1979 advising theContinue reading “Betrayal of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1979”

231st Anniversary of the French Revolution

Storming of the Bastille 14 July 1789, the working people of Paris killed soldiers, freed the prisoners, and armed themselves igniting the French Revolution. Original Facebook Note #86 published on 14 July 2020 “The revolution is the war of liberty against its enemies. The constitution is the rule of liberty against its enemies. The constitutionContinue reading “231st Anniversary of the French Revolution”

Centenary of the Turkish Revolution

Oil painting depicting the Turkish Army’s liberation of the port city of Smynra (today İzmir) from the British-backed Greek Army. Original Facebook Note #60 published on 21 June 2019 “Whatever may be the result of the Near Eastern crisis, one thing is quite patent: the Sèvres Treaty has been smashed by Turkish cannon. The popularContinue reading “Centenary of the Turkish Revolution”

Tiananmen Square 1989: The Chinese Students’/Workers’ Uprising

Students and workers of Beijing took over Tiananmen Square in the spring of 1989. Under red flags bearing revolutionary slogans, the pro-socialist strikes and protests were an embryonic revolution against the Stalinist bureaucracy. Original Facebook Note #4 published on 22 June 2014 “Due to the exigent circumstances, we as old soldiers, make the following request:Continue reading “Tiananmen Square 1989: The Chinese Students’/Workers’ Uprising”

220th Anniversary of the Irish Revolution

Irish Catholic and Protestant rebels charging the British redcoats at Oulart Hill, 27 May 1798. “Never to desist in our efforts until we subvert the authority of England over our country and asserted our independence.”–Theobald Wolfe Tone, father of Irish republicanism, 1798 Original Facebook Note #39 published on 26 June 2018 Ireland since the 12thContinue reading “220th Anniversary of the Irish Revolution”

Portugal: 45 Years Since the Carnation Coup

Portuguese Army in Lisbon leading the upheaval that toppled the fascist regime. Original Facebook Note #58 published on 25 April 2019 “Esta é a madrugada que eu esperava (This is the dawn I waited for)O dia inicial inteiro e limpo (The new day clean and whole)Onde emergimos da noite e do silêncio (When we emergeContinue reading “Portugal: 45 Years Since the Carnation Coup”

Stalinist Betrayal of the Iranian Revolution

International Women’s Day in Tehran 1979, at least 100,000 women and male supporters took the streets protesting against Khomeini’s measure to re-enslave women to the black chador; for equal rights and pay. Original Facebook Note #56 published on 27 March 2019 “In Islamic society, women are not considered human beings. I remember when I wasContinue reading “Stalinist Betrayal of the Iranian Revolution”

Second American Revolution Betrayed

Painting of Col. Robert Gould Shaw and the black soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. Original Facebook Note #74 published on 12 February 2020. Reposted in honor of Lincoln’s Day. “The Civil War was not merely a strife for territory and dominion, but a contest of civilization against barbarism.”–Frederick Douglass, 1865 “Labor in aContinue reading “Second American Revolution Betrayed”

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