German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers

German workers and soldiers listen to Karl Liebknecht proclaim a “Free Socialist Republic of Germany” from the balcony of the Berlin Palace on 9 November 1918. Original Facebook Note #51 Published on 15 January 2019 “Without a German Revolution there can be no salvation for the Russian Revolution, no hope for socialism after this worldContinue reading “German Revolution Centenary: The Struggle and Defeat of the Workers”

Finnish Revolution Defeated

Finnish White Guard death squad execute labor activists for supporting the Red Guards at the Tammisaari prison camp in 1918. White Terror killed 23,000 working men,women, and children in Finland. Original Facebook Note #33 published on 27 January 2018 “We cannot avoid the revolution for very long … Faith in the value of peaceful activityContinue reading “Finnish Revolution Defeated”

Russian Revolution 1905: Prelude to Red October

Moscow Uprising, December 1905. Revolutionary barricades were erected by armed workers awaiting the attack by the Russian Army of Czar Nikolai II. Original Facebook Note #32 published on 9 January 2018 “If the Russian Revolution becomes the signal for a proletarian revolution in the West, so that both complement each other, the present common ownershipContinue reading “Russian Revolution 1905: Prelude to Red October”

155th Anniversary of the Japanese Revolution

Emperor Meiji promulgating the new Japanese constitution. Restoration of Imperial rule resulted in Japan’s revolutionary war against the feudal forces of the deposed shogunate bringing modernization and industry to the country. “Although there was a great difference in the scope and degree of industrialization, both America and Japan were able to rapidly and extensively developContinue reading “155th Anniversary of the Japanese Revolution”

Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists

The banner reads “They Shall Not Pass! Fascism wants to conquer Madrid! Madrid will be the tomb of Fascism!” November 1936, Madrid workers erecting a barricade to keep Franco’s fascist army out of the city. Original Facebook Note #17 published 4 February 2017 “At the present time, while this is being written, the civil warContinue reading “Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists”

Bloody Betrayal of the Greek Revolution

Athens Uprising 3 December 1944. British Army and Greek fascist auxiliaries shot dead 28 pro-Communist/EAM demonstrators, and injured scores of others. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) following Joseph Stalin’s class collaborationist line sealed the death of the Greek Revolution. Original Facebook Note #29 published 3 December 2017 “If EAM/ELAS had been determined to seizeContinue reading “Bloody Betrayal of the Greek Revolution”

Laos: 40th National Day

Laotians in Vientiane celebrating the 40th anniversary of their liberation from the imperialist-backed monarchy. Original Facebook Note #12 published on 2 December 2015 “I want to make it clear to the American people, to the entire world that all we want in Laos is peace not war. A truly neutral government, not a Cold WarContinue reading “Laos: 40th National Day”

70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution

Yugoslav Partisans marching through the liberated city of Bitola, Macedonia in 1944. Partisan victories over fascism in Yugoslavia led to social revolution that swept away capitalist rule. Original Facebook Note #14 published 29 November 2015 “Grouping and mutuality of countries and peoples in the Balkans is the only road that leads to economic, national andContinue reading “70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution”

70th Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution

Large crowd demonstrating in front of the Ministry Council Headquarters in support of the overthrow of the pro-British monarchy in July 1952. “In view of what the country has suffered in the recent past, the complete vacuity prevailing in all corners as a result of your bad behavior, your toying with the constitution, and yourContinue reading “70th Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution”

192nd Anniversary of the Belgian Revolution

Revolutionaries in Brussels rose up against the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 25 August 1830. Revolution liberated the Catholic peoples from the bloody Protestant-centered Dutch monarchy. “Holland in its rule over Belgium was accused by the Belgians of a systematic campaign against every expression and manifestation of Belgian national life. It was alleged that it penalizedContinue reading “192nd Anniversary of the Belgian Revolution”

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