Vorkuta: 65th Anniversary of the Soviet Prisoners’ Strike

Watch tower and detention cell of the Vorkuta gulag, one of the largest and most notorious in the USSR. Original Facebook Note #44 published on 1 August 2018 “Today marks the second anniversary of the most unprecedented strike in the world-the revolt in Russian slave labor camps in Vorkuta. The outstanding part of the strikeContinue reading “Vorkuta: 65th Anniversary of the Soviet Prisoners’ Strike”

60th Anniversary of the Polish Workers’ Uprising

Polish workers in Poznań climb aboard a tank. Local army units refused to fire on the workers and joined them. Original Facebook Note #13 publish on 6 November 2016 “People will remove the Party from the factory, and the workers will manage by themselves and receive the profits directly.”–ZISPO factory worker, Poznań 1956 60 yearsContinue reading “60th Anniversary of the Polish Workers’ Uprising”

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