German Fourth Reich’s Counter-Revolution in Yugoslavia

Yugoslav federal tanks rolling through Vukovar, Croatia during the bloody siege. Revitalized by capitalist reunification, German imperialism spearheaded the bloody destruction of the Yugoslav deformed workers state. Original Facebook Note #22 published on 15 May 2017 “We will plan an independent Croatia in the framework of the new European order if the Yugoslav state, dueContinue reading “German Fourth Reich’s Counter-Revolution in Yugoslavia”

The Bosnian Genocide That Never Was

Ratko Mladić in Srebrenica after Serbian troops took over the “safe area” with no opposition from NATO or the Dutch UN “peacekeepers.” Alija Izetbegović in league with Bill Clinton and Wim Kok fabricated a genocide to justify NATO intervention. Original Facebook Note #85 published on 10 July 2020 “After meeting with American president Clinton, AlijaContinue reading “The Bosnian Genocide That Never Was”

20 Years Since the NATO Rape of Yugoslavia

U.S/NATO “humanitarian bombing” of a passenger train in Grdelica, Serbia killing 60 civilians. Original Facebook Note #59 published on 24 March 2019 (written for the 20th anniversary of the bombing) “While showing themselves ready and willing to bomb Yugoslavia on behalf of an ostensibly oppressed minority in Kosovo, U.S. leaders have made no moves againstContinue reading “20 Years Since the NATO Rape of Yugoslavia”

70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution

Yugoslav Partisans marching through the liberated city of Bitola, Macedonia in 1944. Partisan victories over fascism in Yugoslavia led to social revolution that swept away capitalist rule. Original Facebook Note #14 published 29 November 2015 “Grouping and mutuality of countries and peoples in the Balkans is the only road that leads to economic, national andContinue reading “70th Anniversary of the Yugoslav Revolution”

Croatia: The Glamorization of Fascism

Croatian-Australians marching in Sydney waving flags of the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia and portraits of Ustasha-lover Franjo Tudjman. “If the Croats were part of the Reich, we’d have them serving as faithful auxiliaries of the German Führer, to police our marshes. The Croats are a proud people…The Croats are very keen on notContinue reading “Croatia: The Glamorization of Fascism”

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